Yellow leaves!!!! Help me please

strain: lowryder's Easy ryder

age: 28 days (they finish within 8 weeks tho)

soil: fox farm ocean forest

nutes: gave it less then 1/4 tsp of grow big in its 2nd week, it got burned so decided to grow this plant without nutes.

temps: the past 2 weeks its been between 75-84

light: 250w MH

here are some pics, dont know whats going on with it. when it caught the nute burn, flushed it with ph water, 3x the container size. the new growth showed no signs of nute burn, but now a week later the leaves are starting to yellow again. could it be nute burn? or is it normal for the leaves to yellow as to the plant is half way done with its life, heard that plants do that when they ready to harvest and all.



Well-Known Member

It looks like the 2nd level leaves are giving up Nitrogen to the upper, complications from over fertilizing and flushing.

Water and feed as normal, You'll loose the leaves eventually but life will go on. Add a bit more nitrogen if you have a two part nutrient or can get a nitrogen supplement.

A bit more.

damnnnnnnnn was thinkin of buying a nitrogen booster from the hydroponic shop last week (14-0-0) have to go today then...these auto strains are a pain in the ass ill tell you that much....oh and why is it doing that? i dont understand


Well-Known Member

The top leaves are more important to the plants survival than the lower. The top leaves will get more light, the stem grows taller from the top.

When resources are limited some elements and compounds are transferred from nutrient sinks (fan leaves) to more vital areas.

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
This is definetely a NITROGEN defenciency, as it is clearly eating the lower leaves to support new upper growth. Your soil also looks a little dry.

Add a Grow formula that has amble quantities of N and you should see a huge difference

Hope this helps, cheers!
ok so i went out to the local hydroponic shop (13miles) and got something called "B'cuzz growth." the npk on it is 1.0 - 0 - 0.7...the label says "water daily with a solution mixed at the rate of one ml per litre (3/4 teaspoon per gallon). when blooming begins reduce dosage by 50% and use in conjunction with bloom." my question is i know 1.0 is prob too little so how would i dilute the nitrogen? and also since this is a auto strain and i already see the hairs growing should i still reduce it by 50% ? someone please help me "B'cuzz" i gotta water the plants in a few hours

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Here is something that I sent to another guy answering his problem. He had a burn, however, sometimes even when I have a defeciency if I decide that I am going to use an all-in-one macro fert to feed, I will flush and get whatever is left in the soil out so that I can start from scratch in replacing nutes and not have too much of one in there and cause lockout. In your case because you kinda just simply need to add Nitrogen and Cal-Mag dose, I would recommend these two products if you're okay with some organics. Botanicare-Organicare brand NITRIX is great product that is derives from seaweeds & kelp to produce an excellent source that is Nitrogen rich. Along with this Nitrix, I would recommend Botanicare brand Cal-Mag Plus. Those are great for VEG. You might as well be using BLOOM tho since you are in week 2 and already seeing hairs on autos. Bloom will help induce flowers so they will develop faster, and then obviously allow the proper ratios as you go thru your 6-7 week bud development. Remember, if you ever make the mistake of burning, read below and follow the steps/advice I gave the other guy below:

Flush before you add anything ... Agree that you should have a source of Cal-Mag, as your tap water/filtered water prob doesn't have enough. And I know you said you're in distilled now. Is that something you JUST did to flush? Or do you always buy or make your own distilled water? The reason I ask, is distilled takes out all the micronutrients that are usually in normal spring water. It's great to get filtered as you want no lead and very little chlorine getting into your plants. But distilled will create defeciencies in your plant as it has nothing. And if you do not have some sort of supplement to make sure your plant has the entire nutrient array within it's soil/hydro medium/nutrient stores (leaves/stem/stalk).

The problem with burns, is that it does much more damage to the plant and takes much longer to recover from than a simple defeciency. At your stage of growth, you will see defeciencies slowly appear and can keep an eye on it day to day and catch on quick. But a burn will show within a day or so of a feed that is too strong. So if you feed your plants one day or up the NUTE level in your reservoir (and don't forget, most nutes if they aren't PH balanced WILL throw your PH off which can seriously effect plant health & nutrient uptake), and see burns the next day, it should be pretty obvious to you that you've just experienced nutrient burn. If your plants look healthy for a week and you haven't fed anything too strong, or maybe nothing at all, and then they start to look unhealthy, then yes it is a defeciency and you'll know that and can step in to correct it before it becomes any threat.

In most cases, defeciencies only slow down growth and if corrected soon enough, it's barely even noticable. A burn can stunt & slow your growth down a few days to a few weeks, or even longer if not corrected by then. Then the overall appearance of the plant doesn't look healthy and takes a while to recover. And don't forget about the unwanted STRESS to your girls. You are supposed to pamper them, give them everything they want (in moderation, of course), and literally just do what you can to put them on Cloud 9. If you stress, you are now increasing chances of MALES, HERMAPHRODITIES, SEEDS/BANANAS, AND/OR LOWER YIELD/POTENCY.

Once you have your plants back to normal health, again, start @ 1/4 strength recommended dose of whatever you are using. If you're feeding 4-5 gallons and it says add 1-2ML/gal for a total of 4-10ML, then cut that down to 1-2.5ML. It may look like nothing. But nutes are highly concentrated, so it IS PLENTY.

Make sure in Veg you have a good formula with proper ratios. 10-10-10 or 6-12-5 are not ideal ratios. You want something high in Nitrogen, low in Phosphorus, and somewhat low-medium levels of Potassium. Any complete formulas you can find that already have trace amounts of Zinc, Iron, Magnesium, Calcium, Boron, Vitamin B complex, and more ... are going to be even better, as you won't have to find seperate formulas to add along with your macro if it already has it. Although, it is nice to have products for each main element you feed your plant, as you can find your plant may be in ideal ranges for all nutes but one. So if you feed something specific, it can fix that and leave everything else ideal. Whereas, if you use a macro feed to try and fix one defeciency, it can now throw all the other levels that were once ideal into ranges that are now too high.

Hope all this helps brotha!
yea i know im goin back tomorrow morning, i got the wrong stuff because of the person at the hydroponic shop, my fault aswell. i just didnt know if something with 16% nitrogen would be too much so i got this....


Well-Known Member
i bought nitrix.

but just recently, i thought, duh, just use my piss. its like 95% nitrogen. I also eat healthy, and would use it after a healthy meal and water piss.

so after im done with nitrix i would just use my own piss.