Xbox 360 live -need some smokin partners


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know. I had 2 and my sister's fucking cat chewed through both of them.
I'm a 46, going through prestige my 2nd time.
I got the shit like 2 days after Christmas and have like 6 days and 4 hours of time on it already. I'm addicted, but not really so much anymroe. I tripped mushrooms and skipped school for like 3 days straight and just played COD4 online. It was fucking crazy as hell....amazing really. I'm pretty sure that episode/trip made me relatively good at the game.


Well-Known Member
oh FUCK yeah, I'm gettin' that shit the day it's available at my local Kmart. I got a $55 gift card there for x-mas I've been saving for GTA IV.
I honestly think I have the most fun played the GTA games out of anything else ever. I can't wait to play the new shit on the 360, I'm gonna have so much fuckin' fun. I gotta get like a half O for this....

Spiral Architect

Active Member
I play a lot of games on XBL.

Ultra Marble Blast, Gears of War, Halo 3, and occasionally COD4 are my main games.

My gamer tag is Spiral Architek

Please if you add me, send me a text message saying 'hello' w/ your name from the forum - I get alot of adds and don't accept all of them.

Right now I am not going to seek anyone out here, but I insist on someone adding me :)

edit: Oh yes, My wireless adapter recently failed so I will be having to replace it within the week. Business as usual for M$...


Infected With Chronicitus
GOW is the best game EVER!!! Can't wait for Gears 2 to come out. I personally think H3 is overrated but I still play it from time to time. I play XBLA also, thinking about buying a new arcade game but not decided on which one? Any suggestions??

My gamertag is: gemsta (bet u woulda never guessed that)

Like Spiral Architect said, if you do add me pls send me a message saying your from RIU. Happy Gaming!

Spiral Architect

Active Member
I highly recommend the game Ultra Marble Blast, it is only 400 gamer points (half of the usual 800). WARNING : THIS GAME IS EXTREMELY ADDICTING, FUN, AND ANY STONERS DREAM 'ARCADE' GAME. You have been warned.


Infected With Chronicitus
Yea my cousin has Marble Blast Ultra...I was playing it the other day. Thinking about getting it.

Spiral Architect

Active Member
Its a puzzle game with very exact physics.

Your basically controlling a marble, you can make it jump, boost, and you can collect a variety of weapons to help you through your levels or to compete to collect gems in multiplayer.

If you go to Google you can find plenty of information, the game has a rather large following - see for yourself and Youtube Ultra Marble Blast. ;)

If anyone does get this game, please, PM me - I'd really like to find some new opponents. I can show you the ropes as well.


Well-Known Member
Mines Radplane. I have halo 3 and some other shit. Pretty sure I have marble madness but not sure, lol. Add me guys, so lonely on xbl.


Active Member
My Gamertag is: CAFLORES

Pretty much anytime you see me on I am going to be baked as fuck, but I'm always looking for new blazin buddies on xbl to game with! I play alot of COD4 and Halo 3 right now. If you add me add a note saying you're from these forums otherwise I'll prolly be like "wtf?" and delete it. Peace!