
Well-Known Member
I have fungus knats taking care of that though I'll go get Epsom salt then
hopefully for gnats your using a product like gnatrol or liquid BMC (biological mosquito control)

are you sure theyre gnats for certain... aphids can easily be mistaken for gnats

the reason I mention it is you got some heavy leaf curl in the last set of pics which could be from magnesium def but could also be a pest


Well-Known Member
@DirtyDogs446 I am having the exact same issue. My leaves look the same, I am using an Epsom salt foliar spray. it seems to be helping. I am also batteling fungus gnats. I'm using Earthbox sips. I thought at first i may have added too much dolomite lime, which very well might be the case. but I have another one right beside it and its not having these issues. My plants were only about two weeks in the earth box and the leaves turned almost over night. It was only the bottom two sets. my new growth seems fine, that's why it confusing. I have read the deficiencies form posts over and over and its similar but not exact. I read about bug issues like russet mites etc. but the only bugs I have a damn fungus gnats. If I use the peroxide and water to kill the gnats will I also be kill the biology in my soil


Well-Known Member
No I used it and my soul was fine afterword I felt but that gnats really never went away until my grow was finished make sure u get fly strips the yellow ones and put them on the edge of your buckets it will help kill alot of them. Also the spots and what not on the leaves may be do to watering to frequently because this happened to me recently I thought it was something else but once I spread out the waterings till the plant got bigger everything went away and the leaf damage stopped


Well-Known Member
Thanks I do have a bunch of yellow sticky traps in there. I just watched a video by MIGardener on YouTube. You can make sticky traps with Vaseline on yellow paper. I think I'm going to make some. Those sticky traps are stupid expensive for what they are.
I also watched a video somewhere about using slices of potatoes laid on top of your soil to draw the larvae in and then I'm think about just misting them with a 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 4 part water solution.