
Well-Known Member
Looks like a pH issue...
How does that look like a ph issue? Its a textbook lack of magnesium, why would ph affect the leaf only one way and how come there aren't other deficiencies of other elements? If the ph is off, many elements would be locked out, not just 1 that causes interveinal necrosis! As for the purpling of the stalk, that can be caused by lack of sulfur or the beginnings of a phosphorus deficiency, and if you are low on magnesium, then phosphorus, even if present, is not taken up by the plant as easily when magnesium levels are low, the two elements were together and magnesium carries phosphorus through the plant. I'd say grab some epsom salt.


Well-Known Member
Ok and how much Epsom salt do I put in a gallon of water and how often should I use it every feeding and watering or just when I water?


Well-Known Member
Ok and how much Epsom salt do I put in a gallon of water and how often should I use it every feeding and watering or just when I water?
I say half to 1 teaspoon per gallon, every 2nd watering until you get the issue to stop spreading, then maybe give it every 3rd watering after that. It all depends on the plant, there isn't really an exact amount or duration, its as long as the problem persists and you finally see that you got on top of it, that you back off. As for those spots, i can't be sure. Have you really checked for any bugs with a scope under the leaves? Try to post a pic of the entire plant visible from the side and up above..the zoomed in shots make it hard to see how it all looks.

Jypsy Dog

Well-Known Member
How does that look like a ph issue? Its a textbook lack of magnesium, why would ph affect the leaf only one way and how come there aren't other deficiencies of other elements? If the ph is off, many elements would be locked out, not just 1 that causes interveinal necrosis! As for the purpling of the stalk, that can be caused by lack of sulfur or the beginnings of a phosphorus deficiency, and if you are low on magnesium, then phosphorus, even if present, is not taken up by the plant as easily when magnesium levels are low, the two elements were together and magnesium carries phosphorus through the plant. I'd say grab some epsom salt.
What are these spots sorry foe all the questions
How does that look like a ph issue? Its a textbook lack of magnesium, why would ph affect the leaf only one way and how come there aren't other deficiencies of other elements? If the ph is off, many elements would be locked out, not just 1 that causes interveinal necrosis! As for the purpling of the stalk, that can be caused by lack of sulfur or the beginnings of a phosphorus deficiency, and if you are low on magnesium, then phosphorus, even if present, is not taken up by the plant as easily when magnesium levels are low, the two elements were together and magnesium carries phosphorus through the plant. I'd say grab some epsom salt.
How does that look like a ph issue? Its a textbook lack of magnesium, why would ph affect the leaf only one way and how come there aren't other deficiencies of other elements? If the ph is off, many elements would be locked out, not just 1 that causes interveinal necrosis! As for the purpling of the stalk, that can be caused by lack of sulfur or the beginnings of a phosphorus deficiency, and if you are low on magnesium, then phosphorus, even if present, is not taken up by the plant as easily when magnesium levels are low, the two elements were together and magnesium carries phosphorus through the plant. I'd say grab some epsom salt.
You have 1 picture and you solve his problem by throwing ES at it??? Think maybe some more knowledge about the set up might be needed????


Well-Known Member
Ph 6.4 fox farms ocean forest. Have not gave them any nutes yet only 13 days old. I'm wondering if it was from me misting it yesterday because the leafs that are blocked by other ones do not have the spots


Well-Known Member
I don't think ph has anything to do with it

magnesium def

don't use calmag for magnesium def...use calmag for calcium def... use Epsom salt for magnesium like blitz35 said

if your rooms not over heating id look into the possibility of insects particularly broad or russet mites


Well-Known Member
Ph 6.4 fox farms ocean forest. Have not gave them any nutes yet only 13 days old. I'm wondering if it was from me misting it yesterday because the leafs that are blocked by other ones do not have the spots
ffof usually runs out of calcium ad magnesium first

id use 5mls per gallon calmag and 1/2 tsp Epsom salt for the next thre watering and then drop it to every other


Well-Known Member
I don't think ph has anything to do with it

magnesium def

don't use calmag for magnesium def...use calmag for calcium def... use Epsom salt for magnesium like blitz35 said

if your rooms not over heating id look into the possibility of insects particularly broad or russet mites
I have fungus knats taking care of that though I'll go get Epsom salt then