would you ever stop smoking?


Well-Known Member
Bitch should love you for who you are know what I'm sayin'.

It's okay to change yourself know what I'm sayin', but don't ever let anyone force you into change know what I'm sayin'.

It carries a certain level of (I can't grasp the word I'm looking for know what I'm sayin' ) but like discontent feelings towards them and the relationship know what I'm sayin'.

I read that in J-Roc's voice know what I'm sayin'.


Undercover Mod

If I don't feel like this around a woman, it ain't love.


Well-Known Member
i cant, if the weather get bad so does some part of my body.it's better if i don't stop smoking. i don't stop working.know what im sayin'


Well-Known Member
I've gone years without smoking but it was my first drug and the one that I now truly love the most, You would have to pry the bong from my cold dead hands before I quit. Also I would not get into a relationship where the other was not a smoker.

My last two relationships were with non smokers. My ex and my current both drink socially tho. It hasn't been a problem with either of them, but I don't tend to go for the controlling types. I'm a live and let live kind of person and magnate towards others like me.


Well-Known Member
My mate would leave ME if I stopped smoking.

I can't empathize. I can say that we talked about it and she knows I'd miss her if she gave me the choice, and I'd miss her if I quit.
wifey tells me that every time i bring up takin a T break. she says i suck when im sober and she wants to cut me


Well-Known Member
I will never stop smoking for a friend... girlfriend... relative.... judge... probation officer.... jesus Christ.... Korean jesus Christ.... black jesus Christ... or santa clause......


Active Member
phucks no I wont quit unless I wanted to... and I dont know why I would want to...:leaf:
you made the right choice to send that bitch packing. especially if the bitch knew you smoked when you all hooked up..

Mister Black

Active Member
Yeah....but then only vape and have edibles... either way mary jane will be my unlawfully wedded wife for life :blsmoke:
This seems to make good sense as strictly speaking smoking is bad for the health. I'm on a de - tox/tolerance break right now. At least until the HTCC in a few weeks. My partner almost never smokes but tolerates my use. I know she'd rather I didn't but she has enough respect not to push the issue.