Would this be a good HPS to buy?

i bought my 150 watt hps from hydroempire.com it comes in a plain box tottaly legit also comes with two hanger extensions to hang it i use regula steel wire found at any home depot or other department store but the one your looking for doesnt look bad again just get some chicken wire twist it around the metal hooks the around the the pole 1 for each hook no need to twist it more than 5 times worked for me for 3 grows now.


Well-Known Member
I was gonna buy a 150 from htg but i did some research and found i could get it for about the same price from my local grow shop bc i didnt have to pay for shipping. I also bought it there so i wouldnt have to wait, i could pay in cash, and no one can associate my name/address or any other info with my purchase. also i always prefer to support local businesses.