would fluorescent tubes work?


Well-Known Member
I don't think there is any argument here fellas :)

HPS is second to only the sun when you want to Flower.

But Fluorescents work Great for Veg!


Well-Known Member
can u read dude? he didnt say that.. but im not gonna agrue. Just re read the damn post ? >

"yes the floros will do good to veg your plants but to flower u want to pack on the hps. "

And I said great resuts can be had with floros in flower.
holey moley sister i didnt mean to hurt your little feelings. I am just wondering what part of his statement is untrue? Is it not a proven fact that an hps light is the best choice for flowering indoors? Yes it is. Therefore he was given the best direction for the best results and you chimed in with a second best option and made a statment saying that what he said is untrue. So before you get pissy maybe you should go back and reevaluate your first statements.:hump:


New Member
please stop talking shit to me as I dont wish to get into an internet argument over something stupid.

i didnt say an hps wont give better results.. im pretty sure it will.. but the question was will floros work. ive seen tons of ppl on here talk noobs into going out buying an hps w/out even knowing what size cab they have,what the budget for cooling/exhaust ( which for an HPS can be more than the HPS itself ) or how many plants etc they are growing.. Alot of ppl hate on floros that have never even used them. Ive seen alot of ppl get great results using them.. Here is a link to just one i found on the web as an example >


To me those plants ( the OP said it was reg bagseed none the less! ) look just as good if not better than most HPS grown plants ive seen.Its also said that floros will cause more trich's.. at least thats what ive read.

Before HPS was invented what do you suppose ppl used?



New Member
BTW I must admit that I didnt even see the pasrt of the OP that said will it work for "veg".. I just read will floros work. I had just awoke and didnt have my glasses on heh. But the point is basically the same. floros will work.



New Member
this is my last post in this thread.

everybody suggested? hmmmmph.

First of all, I didnt start any argument and I still stick by my initial post that you DO NOT NEED an hps to flower.

nuff said
when u say not true u are implying that i am lying.I did not tell no lie so u started something by saying that.yeah u do not need an hps to flower but its ideal to flower.floros are good because they are cheap save energy and low heat.but if im gonna use more than 200 watts of floros to veg id rather use a 250 mh/hps which is way more efficient.but thats me


New Member
ok THIS is my last post.. I NEVER saifd you were lying.. I REALLY think you need to either stop smoking so much or smoke another one.. One of the two..

When I said "not true" I merely said that.. NOT TRUE.. The reason could have been that you actually think/thought that an hps is needed, or just did not know any better or that you were guessing, or that you just did not know at all.. NEVER did I call you a liar.. PERIOD.. You really need to think more before you post..


tube flouros are great for veg since you can get them to touch the tops of the plant. especialy with t12s t5s are even better
I obviously know when something is not true its a lie.I dont think a hps is needed for flowering i know u can use just about any light to flower.I have a ffew grows under my belt and from my experience you would have to use just as much wattage with floros to get even close to the production of 1 hps.


Active Member
would the buds be better quality if you used fluorescents for veg then hps for flower over just using a hps from seed to harvest?


New Member
I obviously know when something is not true its a lie.
If you REALLY DO think that then I really dont know what else to say. Except, just because something isnt true DOES NOT mean its a lie.. There is this word called "false".. False doesnt mean "Lie".

False -

adjective fals′er, fals′·est
  1. not true; in error; incorrect; mistaken a false argument
  2. untruthful; lying; dishonest a false witness
  3. disloyal; unfaithful a false friend
  4. deceiving or meant to deceive; misleading a false scent
  5. not real; artificial; counterfeit false teeth
  6. not properly so named; deceptively resembling false jasmine
  7. based on wrong or mistaken ideas false pride
  8. Mech. temporary, nonessential, or added on for protection, disguise, etc. a false drawer
  9. Music pitched inaccurately

1   /laɪ/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [lahy] Show IPA noun, verb, lied, ly⋅ing.
–noun 1.a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.2.something intended or serving to convey a false impression; imposture: His flashy car was a lie that deceived no one. 3.an inaccurate or false statement.4.the charge or accusation of lying: He flung the lie back at his accusers.
–verb (used without object) 5.to speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, as with intent to deceive.6.to express what is false; convey a false impression.
–verb (used with object) 7.to bring about or affect by lying (often used reflexively): to lie oneself out of a difficulty; accustomed to lying his way out of difficulties.
—Idioms 8.give the lie to, a.to accuse of lying; contradict.b.to prove or imply the falsity of; belie: His poor work gives the lie to his claims of experience. 9.lie in one's throat or teeth, to lie grossly or maliciously: If she told you exactly the opposite of what she told me, she must be lying in her teeth. Also, lie through one's teeth.

I have no clue how you get that idea. But nothing really surprises me anymore lol.
If you REALLY DO think that then I really dont know what else to say. Except, just because something isnt true DOES NOT mean its a lie.. There is this word called "false".. False doesnt mean "Lie".

False -

adjective fals′er, fals′·est
  1. not true; in error; incorrect; mistaken a false argument
  2. untruthful; lying;
I guess when some1 is false they are lying in your own post it says it.


Active Member
I'm not an experienced grower, but I have a background in optics and electronics so I can offer a spectral analysis of each bulb type.

Here is the spectrum of natural daylight:

Here is the spectrum of a daylight fluorescent bulb (70lm/watt):

Here's a GE lucalux HPS (100lm/watt):

And a horticultural MH (65lm/watt):

images from this page: http://ioannis.virtualcomposer2000.com/spectroscope/amici.html#colorphotos

As you can see, the fluorescent bulbs have the closest approximation to daylight by far. I think the issue is that people growing with fluoro's probably do not use enough of them, so the grows end up looking unimpressive. A benefit of the fluorescent bulbs is that they spread the heat over a larger area so you can get them closer, but that also means they have an illusion of putting out more light than they actually are because of the diffusion. So in theory, a daylight fluorescent setup of equivalent output to an HPS bulb actually should flower the plants better, because the spectrum is closer to daylight and there is more extension into the deep red where chlorophyll is most active (the HPS is more orange than red), as well as more blue. However most people don't use enough fluoro bulbs, so the HPS grows tend to look a lot better even though a lot of the spectrum is missing - just because the HPS is putting out so much light compared to just an overhead bank of tubes. If I grew using fluoro tubes I would have them covering the walls and ceiling to get the highest output possible.


Active Member
Here's the HPS spectrum and fluorescent spectrum overlayed:

As you can see, the fluorescent bulbs are producing nearly the same red extension as the HPS, along with a lot more blue. HPS lacks almost all blue entirely, so whatever role that plays in the plants flowing is not going to be expressed as well. Again, any spectral advantages fluoro bulbs may have is erased if you don't use enough of them - because good light quality doesn't matter if there's just not enough of it.

Brick Top

New Member
would the buds be better quality if you used fluorescents for veg then hps for flower over just using a hps from seed to harvest?

HID lighting produces more grams per watt than CFL lighting does.

As for how many of each of the different types of lights it would take to equal HID lighting, (compared to a 400 watt HID-HPS light) a comparison can be made looking at the attached image.