Women create the men they hate


Active Member
Girls Complain about guys like its not yall fault, Yall always get with dirt bags and the when the act like (what they are) yall be hurt. Try this, A NICE GUY and give it time a real relationship takes years most of the time, try being friends, and go on some dates and dont just date one guy, get to know who they really are not just the game they show you, nobody can hide their real selves for to long. And baby girl the typical guy is not shitty just the guys that typical girls pick are. So what is a man to do, we can treat you like you are worth something, and be JUST A FRIEND FOREVER, or we can treat you like shit and WAX THAT ASS, which would you pick. A wise man once told me that if I could learn to compliment and insult a woman at the same time I could have any one I wanted. Its up to you women to make that man a liar.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
true dat. Girls like a guy with a sense of humor but comedians don't get laid. I remember all the girl friends I had growing up. Whenever I asked them out they said we were too good of friends and than fucked my asshole friends and got pwned. At least we r honest we like T&A 4 real.


Active Member
true dat. Girls like a guy with a sense of humor but comedians don't get laid. I remember all the girl friends I had growing up. Whenever I asked them out they said we were too good of friends and than fucked my asshole friends and got pwned. At least we r honest we like T&A 4 real.
LOL The asshole friends. I have some of those the do girls so wrong (on purpose) and get so many of them. I cant say too much about them. Cause now I do the same thing, but I feel really bad alot of the time. I really like girls I dont want to hurt things I like. So many time I want to try to make something real with a female and they dont respond to it and as soon as I am like whatever and go to assmode they are hooked, which really hurts my feeling more than anything because now they will never be special to me again.


Well-Known Member
It's simple, women love drama. They will say they hate drama and can't stand it but they revolve their lives around it hence why they go with the assholes. How many girls in your life have you known that have had mommy issues, that "asshole" ex b/f they still talk to, all the shit talking about their friends/peers/co-workers, etc. Drama, drama, drama... Most don't want an honest decent guy because then they can't bitch about you. Now I'm sure there are some out there who this doesn't apply to but you probably have better odds of hitting the lottery than finding one. Humor, opinion, a sense of compassion, creativity, and a distaste for fashion are hard to come by.


Well-Known Member
It's simple, women love drama. They will say they hate drama and can't stand it but they revolve their lives around it hence why they go with the assholes. How many girls in your life have you known that have had mommy issues, that "asshole" ex b/f they still talk to, all the shit talking about their friends/peers/co-workers, etc. Drama, drama, drama... Most don't want an honest decent guy because then they can't bitch about you. Now I'm sure there are some out there who this doesn't apply to but you probably have better odds of hitting the lottery than finding one. Humor, opinion, a sense of compassion, creativity, and a distaste for fashion are hard to come by.
hmm, not all of us. i personally HATE drama. and if i encounter a guy thats overly clingy, or really rude, or doesnt treat me respectfully, i ditch his sorry ass. i will admit that like most women i do find "bad boys" attractive, i like alpha males, but not assholes. i like a guy who can take charge of a situation but in a respectful way. i refuse to be treated like crap, so i pretty much dont date...lol. i have guy friends and thats it...because too many guys are jerks, and i just dont want to deal with it. so i think that guys that are caring and honest, have a good sense of humour and good morals/values are wonderful guys to have around. i wish that there were more guys like that. inner beauty is the most important thing, and the sooner people learn that, the better. i work really hard to focus on inner beauty and not on surface crap like appearances and dick head attitudes lol


Active Member
It's simple, women love drama. They will say they hate drama and can't stand it but they revolve their lives around it hence why they go with the assholes. How many girls in your life have you known that have had mommy issues, that "asshole" ex b/f they still talk to, all the shit talking about their friends/peers/co-workers, etc. Drama, drama, drama... Most don't want an honest decent guy because then they can't bitch about you. Now I'm sure there are some out there who this doesn't apply to but you probably have better odds of hitting the lottery than finding one. Humor, opinion, a sense of compassion, creativity, and a distaste for fashion are hard to come by.
I would love a girl with a distaste for fashion. LOL

Mrs. Worm

Active Member
I'll admit it, when I was younger I liked the drama. And I was drawn to assholes like a moth to a flame (usually the hotter they are, the bigger of an asshole they are). But that got old. Then it seemed like everytime I met a guy that wasn't a complete asshole, he had some addiction, or was recovering from a serious addiction. Being a mom, I can't have that. Then I tried a genuine 'nice guy'. No addictions, no criminal record at all. And the way he acted, he may as well have been a virgin when I met him. He was way too clingy. Wouldn't go out without me. I begged him to go out with his friends but he said he'd miss me too much. Mind you, he treated me like a queen. Bought me anything I even looked at. Paid for everything. BUT, that wasn't even what I wanted. I'm not a gold digger. And money & gifts can't buy true love. Now I have a nice mix of some of those things. I have a man that will call me on my bull shit. Tell me to STFU, but only when I deserve it (I can be a bitch). He treats me like a queen, but doesn't kiss my ass. He buys me things now and then, buts not in excess. And those gifts have meaning, not just "here's a present, now love me". He doesn't have a squeaky clean record, but he made some mistakes when he was younger and has grown up. He dabbles in some not so serious things, but no addictions. He would never put his hands on me (even though I'm sure he wants to sometimes), and he would never speak to me like I'm a POS. He's good to my daughter. He takes care of us, we take care of eachother.

I wish I could say the asshole thing was just a phase for all females, but sadly a lot of them stick with it through life. Why? Beats the hell outta me.


When i seen this post i knew i was gonna end up saying something lol.. I too know a few asshole guy friends. It is funny how girls say they hate guys that are assholes and treat them like shit. Yet my asshole friends seem to have a new girl every couple months.. lol.. everytime like clockwork, the girl seems to just be getting comfortable.. and BOOM! owned... once again. The part that i never really got is alot of these girls know each other, and obviously must know this dude is no good.. but still end up dating them.. wow. Im not saying that ive never had a girl.. ive had my fair share.. im not a pussy or clingy or anything insane like that, i was in the marines.. so maybe yah a lil crazy lol. Now i consider myself a good looking guy.. take care of myself n whatnot.. the problem that i seem to have is when i meet girls that im interested in they like automatically think that just because im decent looking and have a nice ride that im a player.. im like really your not even gonna give me a chance.. Almost makes a guy want to start being an asshole.. theres no denying it works lol.. I just want a cool down to earth chick thats not fake, that i can smoke some bud with and chill out, doesnt have to try hard to look good, and not crazy :P. Oh and just want to say that i know all girls dont just chase assholes... so im not calling out all the females on here and saying that your like that.. At least i still got my bud :D