Winterize BHO blasted with bad tane (iolite)


Well-Known Member
Would like to salvage this slab. I stupidly trusted someone and blasted it with iolite supposedly the same as newport, its not. While vac in it i noticed how long it was taking for the bubbles to evaporate.. If i used the same tube without cleaning it but then blasted with colibri would that concentrate be contaminated as well from residue possible in the tube? Should I winterize these two slabs? Should I use butane or 96% russian something everclear 151 or just use colibri? I hate wasting product. What would you do? :wall:

Thanks everyone

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
If the butane left a bad taste in the oil winterizing will not remove it. If its just a residue it may. I would definately clean tube before reusing.


Well-Known Member
If it is heavier hydrocarbon residue that you are concerned about, you might try winterizing. I would use the 96% 190 proof Russian, vis a vis 151 proof.

We use recycle now, but when we were using glass tubes, we regularly cleaned them in denatured alcohol anyway. If you haven't, you might give it shot.


Well-Known Member
thank you im soaking all the knowledge up you guys rock! Essentially i blasted some nugs with iolite and after 12 hours of vac purge realized something was wrong because the bubbles were still there going very slow with high heat close to 200F. My buddy who is more experienced quickly informed me that blasting with crappy tane makes it hard to purge and taste bad. It has a nasty bite to it. Today I went for another run cleaned everything chamber, new razors etc except the tube. i didnt clean the tube. so i ran so some nugs and 10 min in realized ahh shit it might still be contaminated. Well 4 hours in its still bubbling slow and tastes bad and has a bad bite and leaves residue. Keep in my mind this was only 3 gram yield. I am so mad but i guess you live and learn. literally $900 gone im so angry!


Well-Known Member
14g for todays nugrung for 3g yield. yesterday quarter pounder for 26g. yea i know 200f is too hot i always keep it below 105F but i went up to 180F to see if I could purge it more...