Wilting? It's my first grow, can anyone help me out?


So, I got a couple seeds from a friend of mine. I only germinated one, as this is my first grow. Everything went great. When the seed sprouted I put it outside, because the light I had ordered hadn't arrived yet. The light just got here a couple days ago(MH)... I set everything up, have the lamp at the right height, etc... and for the first day it seemed to be doing great. Now the leaves are wilting. I keep checking the temp, and it's not too hot at all. I even have a fan on it to make sure it doesn't get too warm. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I don't want my baby plant to die ]: Does anyone have any suggestions?


Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Probably just needs water more often. When they are in small containers they can dry out pretty fast. It might be time to transplant so your not watering every day or risking thedm drying out and dieing. You don't want to overwater either though don't keep them constantly moist.

Oh and I would plant some more seeds. Nothing sucks more than spending time growing a male and having to start all over, your already growing you might as well make the most of your light.


I already moved it into a bigger pot. And I water it every day, and occasionally spray it w/ some water.
But I know not to over water it, I only spray it if the dirt turns light brownish, which it does pretty quickly since it's under the light.


Alright, well that's a good thing to know. Thanks. So, do you think it's over-watering then? Or maybe it's just not used to the lights yet or something, since I had it outside before.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
get it out of the standing water, if the light temp at the plant level is good then your OK just let the roots have a chance to get the oxygen they need to live


Okay, so, I took some of the soil out and put in some drier soil, since you said over watering might be the problem. I've also checked the PH of the soil, and it's barely over 6.0
But now the leaves are turning yellow.
I still don't know what's going on with it. I have a pic if that will help?



It wasn't mud xD It wasn't ever that wet at all. Just moistish.
And it was only in that soil for a day before the plant started wilting.