Will you vote for Obama in 2012?

How do you prefer in 2012?

  • I prefer Obama.

    Votes: 15 32.6%
  • I prefer a Republican.

    Votes: 24 52.2%
  • I am undecided.

    Votes: 3 6.5%
  • I am not registered to vote.

    Votes: 4 8.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


RIck Perry's hair can win the nomination. However anyone who does get the nod from the mob that is the rebublican base is going to have to do a LOT of 'splaining to get independents' votes in the general.

And Texas' main industry is oil production/services that's why there are jobs there. Not because of Rick Perry's Hair.

Many, many dems are owned by wall street. In fact I think that anyone that has held a seat in the US Senate or House of Representatives should have to give up their taxpayer provided health insurance if they have anything to do with lobbying.

Currently Chris Dodd (asshole democrat) is skirting the no lobbying for 2 years after leaving office law by leading an organizetion who's sole purpose is to lobby congress.

But again we have a gov't. We just need to make it bend to the will of the middle class. The first, best way to do that is not vote rebublican. Pretty simple.


Well-Known Member
I am unable to participate in the poll.

I can answer the question posed in the title. The answer is no, I will not vote for Obama in 2012.

But voting for a Republican is not a foregone conclusion, either. I voted for neither Obama nor McCain in the last Presidential election, but I voted.

None of the options apply to my position.

Had there been an option similar to "I will not vote for Obama," I would participate.

The Republican field has not even solidified as yet.

The Proggie media is busy Palinizing Bachman.

And Governors Christie and Perry are both lurking in the background.
Didn't I put a 'undecided' option? lol


Well-Known Member
on that JohnnyO you are right I should have never said most...but In the USA 6% of hourly workers make min. wage...in Texas its 9.5% of workers ..so Texas total is still higher on average then the USA...is that something you are proud of ???? and I'm not talking just on new jobs added...thats over all totals...sad so sad
Lets compare a big city in California to Texas. Los Angeles vs San Antonio. 42% difference in cost of living. It is probably about the same from city to city of comparable size. This means that making 7.50 in Texas is like making 10.50-11 in California. So the right thing to calculate is how many people in California (or any other state) make more based on the cost of living, since a lower standard of living is what you are trying to suggest, right?


Well-Known Member
But again we have a gov't. We just need to make it bend to the will of the middle class.
bend the will of government to a single class? how is this any better than the undue influence of any other class? that more benefit from the corruption of the rule of law is certainly no excuse. it is the basic tenets upon which this country was built to which our government owes its allegiance. anything else is merely switching bias, the very grounds on which our present pretender to the throne was elected.


Well-Known Member
To me the question is not will you vote for Obama, or a repubican it's Do you realize, that at the top, both parties are nothing more than 2 sides of the same dirty coin? Damned few like RP are the exceptions, but the puppet masters will never let them win. If you haven't figured it out candidate selection and elections are fixed.]

I fear this assessment is correct.


Well-Known Member
To me the question is not will you vote for Obama, or a repubican it's Do you realize, that at the top, both parties are nothing more than 2 sides of the same dirty coin? Damned few like RP are the exceptions, but the puppet masters will never let them win. If you haven't figured it out candidate selection and elections are fixed.

You don't in unless you agree in advance to do the devil's bidding. They are not above eliminating those who step out of line. Now that said, we must vote for like-minded people such as RP in order to raise the consciousness in the ethers that we are taking our power back. That alone has more power than you might imagine.
i hear if ron paul gets elected, he will do your grocery shopping and organize your linen closet.


Well-Known Member
The poll is too limited... Ron Paul is my vote
Ron Paul would be my favorite, however, this isn't a Ron Paul thread, and that's why I didn't make a Ron Paul option. He won't run Independent this year if he doesn't get the nod from the Republicans. He would fall under Undecided or Republican depending on how you think the primaries will go.


Well-Known Member
can you say HELL NO...He will try to make USA succede from the USA
They wouldn't likely be allowed to secede. However, the treaty that made Texas part of the USA provides Texas the ability to split into multiple states. 4 or 5, I forget. This would give them more senate seats, all red ones I would imagine. So it would be opposed. If a treaty is not followed, is it voided? It was one of the conditions for Texas to join the USA.


Well-Known Member
While reading other random forums found while looking up info on google I started thinking about ours. I noted a few things.

1) Even though we do have some retards here, some of the people here actually understand why they are for or against things. We might not agree, but ultimately we are all mostly conscious.
2) We mostly put our words down in a coherent fashion.
3) We all love weed. Weed is awesome. All hail the weed (crosses his wrists over his head)
4) While occasionally FDD comes in and closes a thread instead of punishing individuals who are causing the problem, I haven't seen a lot of mod interference with our discussions. This is very important. No one wants to feel like they are in school with a teacher smacking their hands for using bad words.


Well-Known Member
I guess the post name and the actually poll question were different. How about this one?

5) Ill vote for whoever I think can beat Obama because whoever it is will be the lesser of two evils.
No I will vote for Paul regardless of weather or not I think he will win or if he is even on the ballot-I will vote Paul and take a photo of my ballot to show the next generation so I can at least say I tried.


Well-Known Member
well any poll can be made to get what ever info you need..this one in fact only has one person being named OBAMA ...you chose a Repuke but which one ???? Obama VS who ??? don't know...I bet if you named every Repuke running as a choice this poll would look a lot different.but I guess the OP knew that and didn't have the balls to do a fair poll...so yes this polled is very much rigged and actually Obama did great to get the amount he did...If you wanted to see a REAL poll put all the Republicans name up the same why you did Obama and you will see how different this poll would be ...keep it real unless you like being fake


I don't like any of the choices given. Both parties suck. I would have to see the actual choices. Everyone's assuming Obama will run but maybe he will not. I would have to see the actual choices given, I don't follow party lines.


History states that a democrat will be re-elected....We have to pay attention to the real issues and not the bickering going on between politicians because at the end of the day they're just that million dollar a year "PUBLIC SERVANTS." For those of you that would like to know what a true "PUBLIC SERVANT" is go to non profit organizations that deal solely with the indigent. I know Attorneys that have passed up 100k plus a year jobs with full benefits to work for the public...I LIVE WITH ONE!! These politicians are not public servants but in fact business men and women that are raking in millions while we sit and watch them bicker over BS!! Use your brains people....There is uncertainty about future taxes and medical expenses for business owners so even though they're sitting on a lot of hiring money they do not know what their future costs will be....can we take a wild guess how many business men and women we have as politicians? enough said!! CORPORATE AMERICA KEEPS STRIPPING RIGHTS IN THE WORK PLACE!! Were all pawns...take it or leave it