Will this pass a drug test!?


Well-Known Member
Just took this First Check At Home Drug Test in order to see if I'll pass my drug test for my job tomorrow. The line is damn faint as you can see, but it says if the line is faint it still is a negative. However, it also says not to mistake it for a "ghost line." WTF is that? Anyway, is this faint ass line signifying a negative for THC in my urine? I'm freakin out because it is so faint.



Definately negative to me, if your really worried then make sure you neck a load of water before you go for the test, your piss need's to be clear, if it is clear (like water) then THC can't be detected in your piss regardless, hth.


Well-Known Member
word thanks man. i know it says even a faint line is a negative but this is a must have gig so i'm not messing around. I have the opportunity to bring in a friend's piss but that's another risk i don't really wanna take either. Either way i think they should make the line pop up if your POSITIVE, not negative. fuckin dumb IMO.


Mind if I ask when/how much was the last time you smoked? I'm curious about myself passing a drug test here soon.


Well-Known Member
i used to puff at least a few bowls a day up until april 8th when i found out i got this job. so i've been clean for 34 days now, and apparently i'm testing negative.


Well-Known Member
i just submitted my sample to the lab. they bagged it up and shipped it on its way, so what's done is done. just wondering if anyone else has taken a test and gotten results at home that looked like mine and then passed a lab test? still freakin out..


Well-Known Member
guess ill just have to wait until my results. won't do any good to worry now i guess. I'll update when i get my results with what happened, as not many people have posted actual pictures on here to reference. i think a lot of people are in this same boat...


Well-Known Member
got results today. test came back negative-dilute; meaning i guess i drank too much water beforehand? even though i had like only 3 16 ounce bottles? i have to retest tomorrow. guess i wont drink as much this time around...
I have the same concern "Can anyone definitively say if the first check home test kit is truly accurate about the presence of faint lines vs. what a true lab test may identify?"

These posts above were from 2008 to 2009. My concern is for now 2011. Has anything changed or upgraded at the labs to detect THC? Are test in labs in 2011 now more accurate or more sensitive than 2008 and 2009? My Lab test was at 3pm yesterday. I smoked 4-5 blunts within 17 days before my lab test. But the very last time was 7 days before the lab test yesterday. I drank massive water and cranberry juice 2 days before my Lab Test. On the day of lab test, I flushed starting 3 hours before the Lab Test (at 12pm) with Ultimate Blend 24 (which can be found at most smokeshops). I did the First Check Home kit test at 2:35pm and showed negative with very very faint lines. Since it was faint lines and the box stated that faint lines falls under "negative", I went ahead and Took the Lab Test at Quest Diagnostic at around 3:05pm. I then rushed home to do another Home Kit Test which then appeared completely negative at 3:45pm. So if it was faintly negative half hour before The Lab and then completely negative with solid lines 40 minutes later after the Lab test, is that safe to say that the Lab will detect a "Negative"? I haven't been called yet from the job even though its only been 29 hrs and I am worried sick. I do not want to lose out on the job opportunity. Please help me and let me know.