Will This Get Bigger?


Well-Known Member
The bud sites will put on more weight, especially during the last 2 weeks of flowering. It does, I'm sad to say look a tad stretched but growing is a learning curve. Next time get yourself some better lights and some mylar for your set up. Happy growing :)


Active Member
i veged for a month and a half.this is my second grow.i took a clone off her so hopefully ill do better this time around.thanks


Green Thumb of God
It won't grow any taller. It will thicken out a bit but you are going to get a pretty shitty harvest. Like an 1/8th dry


Green Thumb of God
If I think about it then no it isn't worth it. But to each his own the bud is always better when it's your own but your own is always better when there's lots of it.


Green Thumb of God
if you put it back in veg now it will be like a month before it starts vegatative growth again. You might as well just let it finish out this time. I would recommend better lights if you plan on taking the hobby seriously.

Here is my plant that is similar in height to yours and four weeks flowering tomorrow the pic was taken yesterday



Green Thumb of God
yeah veg it to about twelve inches and give it some HPS lovin' when it hits flower and it will bush out. My plants aren't that big when I start flowering hem but htey grow quickly and I nute them up like steroids


Well-Known Member
Yea def finish, harvest and cure. Its a great learning experience. I cant wait till I can harvest my first grow.


Well-Known Member
veg for longer, get a 150,250 hps or metal haloide and keep the ligth close to the plants when sedding them and vegging, so they got lenk out!

ya feel me...................? holla