Will the river water do for my plants?


Hey all i found a great spot to guerrilla grow and just wondering if the water staright from the river i found will be ok. It heads into the broad water which then leads into the ocean. Is this ok. or should i carry my tap water there. (long way) Cheers

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Tap water has all that BS in it. The River Water WOULD be perfect but the chem ferts are washed into it. Maybe you could drain the river water through sand in a bucket, then onto your plants. Sand is said to purify the water. Clean sand.


Well-Known Member
No its not. You need to use reverse osmosis triple filtered nuetral ph water for your guerrilla grow. anything else and your asking for trouble. lol


Well-Known Member
You could set up a filter in the river then pull from it with a pump / hose setup

You can buy portable pump that plug in to a drill and wella water for everyone

If you are really good you can figure out how to use mother nature to help out

Thats just me


I love this site always have plenty of advice for a novice!
Cheers for all the quick reply's. Now you've left me confused Yes and No i'm hearing. The sand idea looks good i could get a sift put sand in it and sift the water through, but then i here the No. I looked into reverse osmosis triple filtered neutral ph which if i'm correct is Distilled water and it's a bit expencive and for my simple guerilla grow. I'd rather just go with tap water and hope for the best. The river is say 40 min drive from the ocean but it goes through bigger rivers canals and such, and the pump idea i'v heard alot of but not necassery for this small grow.(3-4plants).
Nutrial water this is distilled water correct(PH7)? If i can't use the river water i'll stick to the tap water. So if i sift it through sand do you still think this is a no no? Am i better of carrying tap water in. It doesn't have to be perfect this is more of a fun thing not for profit.


Active Member
I gotta agree. Mother nature's drink I think would be best for your plants. If you grow anywhere near water, the soil around tends to hold more moisture. I think if you are unsure, grow this years grow there with the water and see what happens. If you don't like the results, well then start carrying your "own" water. You should be fine with just letting mother nature do it's thing if it's really close.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
The quality of the water in the River and how far the Ocean is, is stupid. 95% chance, the river water is awesome.


Active Member
Have you checked the ph of the river water??? I'm guessing it will work fine, but you should get a ph tester and some ph up/ph down. It's something that you have to stay on top of or you are asking for problems. In the beginning when they don't require much water you could bring in a few gallons of distilled water and use that for 3 of your plants, and water the fourth with river water. If the river water doesn't stunt the one then you could start using it on all of them. Just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
if theres lots of life in the water than its good... beware standing/stagnant water especially if theres lots of rotting leaves and wood in it, tannins leach into the water from the leaves and bark and fuck with the ph. the upside of this is that if your growing in the earth itself thats a huge buffer compared to a pot of soilmix.