Will plant pot be big enough for the job.

Hi All,

Just wondering if the pots that I have are big enough for my entire grow. I am growing auto big bang, biggest one currently messures 54cm. These are the pots I have got them in http://www.wilkinsonplus.com/tubs+planters/wilko-ascot-planter-round-terracotta-25cm/invt/0298412/?htxt=PsAGyAqy/DSGVBgOHPBfATKVETOKIWHcwqoICuDrG/xTcDPfxIrYzUvEu76RzzM6wutKTeo9AOCB tDs76aYYKg== and I have already transplanted once before from seedling pots which is apparantly not good for them but I have noticed a little drooping in the leaves over the last day or so and I thinking I should maybe go bigger for the remainnder of the grow. Any help is appreciated.



Active Member
People freak out a lot about "YOU MUST HAVE 5 GALLON BUCKETS", but depending on the strain, some don't need more than a 1 gallon bucket IMHO. Just an opinion of course, just doesn't seem like mine need that big of a pot. They do better in a big pot, because they can't tip over once they get really big, etc. But just for asking if you CAN grow one in that pot, yeah that's more than enough.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Autos don't need huge pots, and with photos you can start to flower based on pot size so.....anyway I think that looks like about the same size I use for my autos.