will my clones grow???

bud 1

Hi Guys
I have recently been given some clones in rock wool cubes 50 to be excact.
I was told they were ready to put in soil although they did not have lots of root visiable.After the first night half died.The rest have looked unwell but sterdy for the last 5 days and iam worried .Just want to no if they will make it or what i can do to .They have not got any worse but not grew either.


Well-Known Member
Exact. Roots. Visible. Half is not a noun. Sturdy. I am. Know. Gotten. Have not grown/haven't grown.

You type like a dropout.

Try 1 plant first Mr. Newton, not 50. You may want to include a picture and information next time you ask a question. From your post I could assume you're attempting to plant these in dirt you've removed from a random ditch.
clones need to be fed by misting as there is no roots for the plant to suck up water so folia feeding by water is a must obviously plus a 60 to 75% humidity is good for the little babies. like grizzlyadams said you need to be more specific about them or post pics why start with 50 if you got no idea how to deal with one it aint as easy as sticking a seed in the ground and coming back 2-3 months down the line hoping to find buds. forgive my abruptness but its an art to growing not a hobby


I am having a difficult time getting clones to grow as well. I cut the branch at the base near the main trunk, cut at 45 angle, try pulling the skin down with the lowest nodes but mostly need to scrape it with the cutter blade, dip it in CLONEX, hold it in the basket while carefully pouring hydroton around it. it is in a home made sprinkler bucket, running water at 6.1ph with about half of recommended nute strength under 4 T5 tubes (2 - 24" fixtures, 2 tubes each) - lights are fixed about 12 - 18 inches above. pics attached. One of my clones I just cut the whole top off to use as a clone - it was getting too tall. the 2 on the right have been sitting in there for at least 2 weeks, the other 4 were cut Monday and were droopy and dying by Tues morning. I spray with water several times a day, but I keep checking for roots and nothing is visible. What am I doing wrong?


firstly id say that you are killing the roots by the looks of it are they brown more than white. you have your plants on half strength at such a young age is a no no. has your clones got roots if not why are they in the water you have to feed them through there leaves by misting them with fine droplets and not to much. you need an ample dip of clonex as dont forget the medium you put it into draws most of it away from the new cut. plus getting an air bubble in the stem when you cut is a instant killer. clones dont need as much light as you think when you first make the cut so getting the light to close to soon wont help it. id take the clones out and clay pebbles carefully asses the root system on some and leave them out under the light in an propagator as to build up some humidity. humidity = water vapour in the air meaning you are feeding through the leaves. after you have a good root system then transplant them back into cleaned pots. but use a quater srength nute once the roots are astablished for a week then slowly up the dosage to half for three days then so on.