Will 2 15 watts do?

Fallen Soul

Active Member
Well I was trying to get the 23's but I couldnt cause of some issues I ran into. But I did get 2 15 watts, And its only for little sprouts. I have 2 (1 1/2 inc) sprouts pretty close to each other, with the 2 lights by them.

I will get a pic of my homemade ghetto as all hell setup :)

EDIT!!!!!: My new setup! Will this work for the time being?

The wierd brown thing in the background is a Naturebright Sunlamp used for Depression I figured I would help out since I was show with the 2 15 watts.

Tomorrow I will probably get 2 26 watts, would it be ok to have 2 15's and 2 46's? or is that overkill?


Active Member
Yeah I dont think 30 watts is going to cut it. The main thing I try to do when growing is mimicking mother nature as much as possible. So using this reasoning I would say that 30 watts is insufficient! Anything worth doing (growing bud) is worth doing RIGHT. I understand not all can have elaborate setups, but keep in mind ghetto setup = ghetto bud. You are probably better off just buying it. Or you could save money and do it right. Either way I HOPE it works for you and good LUCK!

Fallen Soul

Active Member
Well I should be able to get 2 26's in like 3 days, but you guys dont think this will work for now?

also my ghetto setup is getting replaced here soon im almost done building a decent one. I just have a little issue for the next few day.

Here is a sketch of it until I can get a picture off my phone.


Fallen Soul

Active Member
Think thats a little to ghetto for the time being? I will eventually make a Rubbermaid grow box, or a cabinet grow box.


Well-Known Member
You really should not even germinate seeds until you have everything set up...and I mean everything. It sucks starting and every couple days having to go to the store to buy some more shit just get it all in one trip and get everything set up right then start growing.


New Member
30w will deffo do for first 2weeks of veg, i grew 4 lovely healthy plants from seed with 2x18w cfl, 1 warm 1 cool white. plant ended up 4ft tall and yeilded 6oz per plant.

i now have 4x18w 2cool 2warm white.

but ul b ok with 30w, just keep adding light as u can afford it thru the veggin. goodluck.

Fallen Soul

Active Member
They would be better off in their own pots aswell.
Yeah I kinda jumped the gun, BUT I just got them potted into there own pots, got two actual desk lamp type things so I get them aimed both on the 2 plants, I got that big light box going and a fan in the room and burned a candle in there to give it some good c02

Fallen Soul

Active Member
30w will deffo do for first 2weeks of veg, i grew 4 lovely healthy plants from seed with 2x18w cfl, 1 warm 1 cool white. plant ended up 4ft tall and yeilded 6oz per plant.

i now have 4x18w 2cool 2warm white.

but ul b ok with 30w, just keep adding light as u can afford it thru the veggin. goodluck.
OK, thanks. I can afford them and I am trying to get there tomorrow but the thing is my Step grandma is staying in my room and I have all the stuff in the closet so im like checking in on them when I can without letting people know there in there. And I went to the store but she came with and got curious asked a bunch of questions so I went back again by myself thinking I could say I was going to the gas station and she got all nosey again so I just decided to wait cause its not worth risking. But I have a decent setup now I believe.

Look here :)