wild pot growing on a NYC sidewalk!!


Active Member
this is SO awesome! this pot is growing randomly (or not randomly) on a sidewalk in New York City. Specifically, on 28th street b/w 9th & 10 ave. for you locals. I live in queens, so i will def. check back on this baby whenever im in the area. :clap::hump:



Active Member
LOL that is sweet somebody must of rolled up and was picking seeds out there bag and threw it out the window and ka poof lol. Thats sweet.


Active Member
Thats badass, recently they found a 8 foot marijuana plant on the side of a main road in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.


Well-Known Member
If you live in the same area as this palnt, don't pick it! Let's see how long it can grow before the cops get it!! lol


Well-Known Member
You know that plant is loving all the Co2 from the car emmision.

Props for finding it... and thanks so much for sharing with us.

This makes my day brighter (I think I need more hobbies).


Well-Known Member
Funny shit there. I still like the idea some person had that everybody should throw seeds on every off and on ramp to every highway at the same time. Then there would be shit growing everywhere.


Well-Known Member
That is great lol.. that pretty much made my day. I was sitting here at work and saw that picture and just lost it man.. That is Terrific. lmao


Active Member
to all you concerned RIU citizens, i will keep try to get over there every couple weeks and check on our courageous freedom fighter out there! ill be sure to keep my camera on me as well.


Well-Known Member
that's sweet but i think boneman is right,grab a shovel and transplant it in to a safe place like your house :) I know its cool that its wild and all but you have to save it. some kid will see it and grab it and smoke the leaves.its your duty to save it, male or female!! :)

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
i would try to transplant her at down shovel black trash bag and park the car a block away more her to the crib AWESOME PLANT!!


Well-Known Member
hha thats funny i use work two blocks from there, if i was in the city more often i would def take a cutting cuz that plants the shit.