Why not to 'comply'. Or 'shit I trusted a snake again '.


Well-Known Member
Lots of legal rhetoric used here to confuse and control the sheep, both us and the police alike. Think of it like a telemarketers scheme without commissions. A police officer is bound by authority and jurisdiction which is too often influenced and dictated by a political lawyer in your courthouse. How does a police officer get to differentiating Xanax (most popular illicit high school narcotic) from marijuana under our current medicinal law:confused: This dialectic used is simply something that does not occur in a patrol car, nor is it understood by the People on the streets. In other words, it is above 99% of our pay grades. These cowards in suits designing and waging war against us hide in swanky offices under armed guard paid for on the tax payers backs. For example the current riots in Missouri are misdirected and damaging a damaged community rather than standing on the courthouse steps demanding integrity, accountability and justice; because that is exactly where it is all hidden ...

Come and get me bitches, but as two combat vets with child I would sure hope you take that into consideration when you raid our home at 3am. True heroes respond with training and instinct in the face of outnumbered combatants and their intended chaos, if we hadn't we wouldn't even be here. Or is that fact of the matter yet just another reason to deny us our second and fourth amendment rights we've risked our lives for through dialectic and lawyers ...
Although that photo is very startling and a little nauseating, you're 100% on point.

I nominate TheMan for president! Oh shit I'm not rich or crooked enough to get my way....oh well :)


Active Member
Lots of legal rhetoric used here to confuse and control the sheep, both us and the police alike. Think of it like a telemarketers scheme without commissions. A police officer is bound by authority and jurisdiction which is too often influenced and dictated by a political lawyer in your courthouse. How does a police officer get to differentiating Xanax (most popular illicit high school narcotic) from marijuana under our current medicinal law:confused: This dialectic used is simply something that does not occur in a patrol car, nor is it understood by the People on the streets. In other words, it is above 99% of our pay grades. These cowards in suits designing and waging war against us hide in swanky offices under armed guard paid for on the tax payers backs. For example the current riots in Missouri are misdirected and damaging a damaged community rather than standing on the courthouse steps demanding integrity, accountability and justice; because that is exactly where it is all hidden ...

Come and get me bitches, but as two combat vets with child I would sure hope you take that into consideration when you raid our home at 3am. True heroes respond with training and instinct in the face of outnumbered combatants and their intended chaos, if we hadn't we wouldn't even be here. Or is that fact of the matter yet just another reason to deny us our second and fourth amendment rights we've risked our lives for through dialectic and lawyers ...

The worst thing about this picture is I can never UN see it