why is this getting me so damn high?!?!


Well-Known Member
Small dabs out of small rigs is the best
Diffusion isn't necessary for concentrates IMO
I do this normally when I am testing out new strains to see how far a dab will take me

Has anyone hered of people using warm water instead of cold water when smoking oil?
Im not sure but i think the main reason was to not let the vaporized oil turn back into a cold sticky reclaim..??


ok. so the company sent me up north in a hotel for a week. all I brought was a torch and a tiny droplet of oil. managed to scrape up a butter knife, pen, and little "dabber" lol.

so I brought up like .8 of this very nice honey oil I had. normally.. that would be 3, maybe 2 hoots if im feeling good off the triple perc bong + ti nail with a diffuser.

and his stuff... ive been taking blade hoots that are the size of a grain of sand!!! 2 of them and I am STONED!!!! why is this getting me so much higher than my bong?? is it the 4x water filtration in my bong or what? these blade hoots off a cheap chinese blade are fucking me up!
So your saying you take .3 gram dabs on average... nice


New Member
maybe not .3 but .2s or so pretty average. I regret it afterwards and can barely breathe, but boy am I fuckin stoned after it. got a very big bong with 5x water filtration so its easy to take giant hoots... by the time the smoke hits your lungs its already very thick, then the quick clutch and its ALL in your lungs before ya know it! the exhale isnt pretty.... I gotta start winterizing more.

theres guys here claiming they can dab 1 full gram lol.


Active Member
I think I'm pretty all set with .05 g. I've got a nice little frothalator rig with a TI nail. Anymore than that and I have a freak out!


Well-Known Member
I'll third that statement. Rather do several small dabs than a few big ones that leave me feeling like I got kicked in the lungs by an angry mule.


New Member
small dabs take too damn long though!!! I hate standing there crouched over aiming that fuckin torch just perfectly till the nail is hot, then having to touch that sticky dome and try to get it off when im done (the glass on glass is always oiled up and sticky... clean it and it get sticky in a day) shit like that just gets old/annoying to me quickly. 10x per day.. 2 months. I must have done it 500x already. I get bored of things easily and the novelty wears off.. so I dont like playing with it as much anymore. get in get out. 1 fat toke and youre done!

edit: upon doing some reasearch. you guys are right... .2 is bigger than I thought!!! I just put .07 onto the dabber and it was fuckin huge!! I couldnt even finish that! so yeah.... ill change that to "sometimes ill smoke .1 when im showing off and the lungs are feeling tough that day"

but a .2 hoot, thats big, even out of my bong which is huge.

a .07 on the hot knife... yeah right!!!! .02s on the hot knife.

ill try doing smaller ones and see how that works out. seems like I spend all day hitting the bong though. 5 tokes per session and im having them every hour... ill try it though!


Well-Known Member
lol.. ya mang, 2/10ths of a gram is big!

if i had a flat shatter piece, that would be huge.., or even a flat wax piece would be huge -er

andddd, i totally didnt realize you guys all gotta heat up your nails every time :p

i heat up my nail maybe a few times a week.

i like to do my test dabs on them, once im finished.. (crackle test)

but my health stone is easy! easier than a bowl of weed! :] or just about as easy.

pack, light, inhale. no waiting.. i take 1, maybe two right before work.. superrrrrrrrrrrrr quick..

i think the vape pens are the next quickest way to get your vapes in..

how i now prefer to smoke my ganja, in order from

1st choice - health stone pipe

2nd choice - rig

3rd choice - bowl of weed coated in oil

4th choice - doobie

5th choice - doobie filled with concentrates

6th choice - bowl of weed