Why do people refer to marijuana as DOPE??


Well-Known Member
im from NJ/FL and dope is heroin where im from but i herd a lot of people refering it to marijuana , i dont get it , heroin has nothing to do with weed so why is the word being used on weed ?????
just something ive been thinking about


Well-Known Member
Back in the day i got so high, i ran out side in my underwear, thought i was having a heart attack, and we were being attacked with nukes, all at the same time.
That's pretty dopey ain't it.


Well-Known Member
That is a generation thing man.......in the 60's and 70's weed was refered to as heroin seeing as how it was a much more popular drug and the word "dope" makes whatever it is seem bad......well fast forward 25 years and people(on a general level) are not as scared of marijuana so it is no longer called dope unless you grew up with that.....herion and meth have taken the front of dangerous drugs these days so now those ones are called "dope"

pretty much a slang/regional thing where I am my nephews call meth dope not heroin


Well-Known Member
Dope has only ever meant MJ to me, but I'm in Australia and started smoking pot in the early seventies.
But different things change with each new generation.


stays relevant.
I call it dope... if when people talk about dope you get confused, you're hangin' with the wrong crowd ;)

AJ Toker

Well-Known Member
Because people use it as an excuse to be an asshole (ie. dopey?) Shit, what is that Frank Zappa quote... (He didn't even use drugs himself, from what I have read on him..)

"A drug is not bad. A drug is a chemical compound. The problem comes in when people who take drugs treat them like a license to behave like an asshole." -Frank Zappa


Well-Known Member
dope here is boogie... (herion)
the term this lil highschool pricks are usin where I just moved (eastern us) is ganj


Active Member
dope is now a word that can and is used for any persons drug of choice, whatever that may be. if you watch shows about drugs even the cops,etc, are calling the drugs dope. example: "We found his dope stash"


Well-Known Member
dope is now a word that can and is used for any persons drug of choice, whatever that may be. if you watch shows about drugs even the cops,etc, are calling the drugs dope. example: "We found his dope stash"
Agreed. Where I live, dope is weed, but in the media etc, dope is pretty much any drug they want it to be.

When you hear about athlete or horse doping, you can guarantee they aren't talking about weed, or heroin for that matter. I would love to see a race where the athletes are truly doped. They would run about 3 steps, think "fuck it, this is too much effort", and wander off for a spliff and some munchies. :-P


Well-Known Member
ummmm, i think your all wrong....

the chemical THC blocks the part of your brain that regulates Dopamine (pronounced dope-er-meen). Dopamine is created by the body and is released when eating nice food and having sex to make you feel good.

So as far as i know thats why its called dope, cause of Dopamine.
So smoking weed is just like overdosing on dopamine (fortunately its not lethal)



Active Member
That still doesn't really make that much sense though. Why isn't sex and food called dope than? Like if a parent walks in on a child smokin pot they may say "Hey boys, you smokin dope in there!!" But if a parent walked in on a child having sex, they wouldn't say "Quit makin dope in there!"


Well-Known Member
I QUOTE "Its called dope because dope is slang for dumbass, and smoking weed makes you not be able to think, and makes you feel stupid, like a dumbass dope" again, I QUOTE, I personally find weed makes me think better, etc etc.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
my moms boyfriend whos a complete tool, ignorant,narrow-minded,redneck hick fucker, refers to weed as dope, hes ridiculous, i just tell him, "dope is crack-cocaine jimmy" lol