Why Do People Debate About Religion?

I don't understand... it's an never ending debate all based on individuals beliefs. What ever works for you, awesome... as long as you're not harming anyone, who cares. And for all of those who bash others, that's not "Christ-Like."

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Think a lot are just fed up of having these beliefs forced in their faces as if they were some sort of fact. I rarely debate it because there is no need ;)


Well-Known Member
It seems to be in our nature to disagree.And since religion is something that can't be proved......well you get what i'm sayin

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
because we think its funny you all still believe in childrens stories about heavan and hell and a man living in the sky that watches everything you do.


Well-Known Member
You say "as long as they're not harming anyone, who cares?". Have you any idea how many peoples throughout time have been ripped from their homes and forced to believe in a fake god or be killed?

Organized religion is one of the most corrupt and evil things in existence.


Well-Known Member
It upsets me even more when I have to drive by the really nice christian church centered amongst the trailer homes on the Indian reservation I live by, which no one attends by the way.


Well-Known Member
It upsets me even more when I have to drive by the really nice christian church centered amongst the trailer homes on the Indian reservation I live by, which no one attends by the way.
God is forever asking for your handouts, yet he always lives in the nicest house on the block.

I don't understand... it's an never ending debate all based on individuals beliefs. What ever works for you, awesome... as long as you're not harming anyone, who cares. And for all of those who bash others, that's not "Christ-Like."
To never doubt is to never ask questions. To never ask questions is to never seek answers. To never seek answers is to live in ignorance. Religion enjoys a significant measure of control over a good deal of the population, and significantly influences political and social policies. Considering religion has an excellent chance of effecting my life whether I believe or not, I see nothing wrong with requesting due diligence.


Well-Known Member
we debate it because we shouldn't. all my life i've been told that the two topics one should never bring up in polite society are politics and religion. as can be expected from a malcontent such as myself, i never listened. politics controls our daily lives more than we would like and religion attempts to answer questions we have no way of understanding, these two subjects seem far more important than the weather, what you had for lunch or any of those other tidbits of which our small talk is composed and i just can't help but blurt out my opinions on them.


Well-Known Member
we debate it because we shouldn't. all my life i've been told that the two topics one should never bring up in polite society are politics and religion. as can be expected from a malcontent such as myself, i never listened. politics controls our daily lives more than we would like and religion attempts to answer questions we have no way of understanding, these two subjects seem far more important than the weather, what you had for lunch or any of those other tidbits of which our small talk is composed and i just can't help but blurt out my opinions on them.
Well said...


Well-Known Member
healthy debate is a sign of an educated society.

when differences lead to violence it is a sign of ignorance.

i for one think religion has been used as a tool to divide for way too long. especially the christian and muslim religions. i mean, lutheran, methodist, presbyterian, baptist, catholic, pentecostals, sunni, whatever else the other muslim faction is......you name it, the chritian and muslim religions splits hairs and forms divisions and rifts.... i mean to each their own but i think it's just ridiculous, the different factions and how they assume one gets an express pass in line to heaven... lol...

i personally enjoy non-denominational teachings which promote unity, mutual respect, empathy and peace....

most teachings of this nature come from buhdists... i learned about a guy who had a very unique approach to religion and spirituality, and it was about each one finding their own personal spiritually stable place... no matter what religion...

his name is Tara Singh. check him out.... it'll blow your mind.... "How to raise a child of god" is a real eye opener.....


Well-Known Member
we debate it because we shouldn't. all my life i've been told that the two topics one should never bring up in polite society are politics and religion. as can be expected from a malcontent such as myself, i never listened. politics controls our daily lives more than we would like and religion attempts to answer questions we have no way of understanding, these two subjects seem far more important than the weather, what you had for lunch or any of those other tidbits of which our small talk is composed and i just can't help but blurt out my opinions on them.
The problem is that religion controls so many people political view point, that their religion winds up controling the rest of us, who have enough of a varied view point that the religious appears to be the majority, but its only the majority that have yet taken a strong stance, cause its easier to be told what to think than to go out and do the research to decide for yourself.


Well-Known Member
hell doesn't exist.

i'll enjoy my life, explore my spirituality, and do as i please.

we are all going to the same place.

6 feet under.



Well-Known Member
I don't understand... it's an never ending debate all based on individuals beliefs. What ever works for you, awesome... as long as you're not harming anyone, who cares. And for all of those who bash others, that's not "Christ-Like."
Really? There are SEVEN BILLION PEOPLE on this planet. Every one of them at various stages of awareness and exposure. This, combined with the systematically slow expansion of the internet into progressively more rural environments should put a perspective on it large enough to answer your question of where these debates come from. New may be old but it's still new if it's new to you. My grandfather still watches the same Laurel and Hardy video tapes I watch with him as a kid. Then, the internet is an interactive medium with even more integrated forms of addiction inherent to the array of options present in an interactive communication media environment. Also, pyramid schemes. They're all pyramid schemes. MMO's, forums, wikis, bitcoins, etc. just like the outside world. Nothing is new under any sun.

Also, the debates themselves and the arising patterns themselves become memorialized by their repetitive nature and among those who see and condense the pattern into a recognizable mnemonic to establish the ever confounding pyramid scheme of language itself and its evolution. AKA Cryptography. The arguments themselves become so common that those who have been there done that and got the tshit can go ride the ride again and fuck with the first timers if they so please.

Also much like the real world. Once the code is out it's no longer valid until people forget what it means. Then it is resurrected.


Well-Known Member
I think this quote sums up a lot of what people think here.

“The single greatest cause of atheism in the world today is Christians, who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, then walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable” - Manning, Brennan

If I was Jesus, I would be pissed about how some Christians are living their lives, but at the same time we are all human and f*ck up and hurt others sometimes.

I say, try to do the best you can and lead by example, don't be an a**hole and don't use religion to hurt others.


Well-Known Member
Personally I debate it because religion and spirituality are important aspects of the human experience, but I do recognize the many problems with the large organized religions. I'm here to let people know that it's possible to still have spirituality without supporting evil organizations or literally believing in fairy tales. Atheism and Christianity aren't the only two possibilities.

I also like to argue, and there are a few smart people here. They know who they are.