why do "nice guys" finish last?


Well-Known Member
Its hard to explain. It falls in the catergory of want what ya cant have.

If a guy is too nice then she already has you. If you are an ass at times Like dnt call when ya say you are gonna,cancell plans and so forth. She thinks What blow me off. "I am miss perfect" Why does he not want to be with me? The idea or concept is to make them feel just that. It also makes them feel as if there is compatition.


Well-Known Member
Chicks are lookin for dicks thats just how it is. I think it all depends on at what point in life the woman is going through. Girls go through phases where sometimes that soft hand you keep in a glove just isnt enough...

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Lol.I've never screwed around...because I don't want screwed around on.But I guess sex aint that big for me, and I know sex does not equal love every time.
Chicks are lookin for dicks thats just how it is. I think it all depends on at what point in life the woman is going through. Girls go through phases where sometimes that soft hand you keep in a glove just isnt enough...


Well-Known Member
Only to him. Del Toro was pretty amazing in Fear and Loathing. Do you go for the fat sloppy Del Toro or the Usual Suspects clean cut Del Toro

fat and sloppy meaning fear and loathing


Well-Known Member
It is not that nice guy's can't get the girl or keep the girl. It's the guy's who aren't good with women. I'm a nice guy, but sometimes I'm an asshole and will start a little argument to keep her on her toes. you know why?

right after the argument I'll say exactly the right thing and sweep her off her feet. then I'll be the 'nice guy' for the next week or two until I'm bored again. It's fun.

idk man I've never had any of these problems girls are my thing.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Fear and loathing definitely turned me on to him...usual suspects detracted from his look because they shaved his eyebrows.I like him, period.Because he has magnetism...he's certainly not traditionally handsome.But they way he freaked out in fear and Loathing was mesmerizing.
Only to him. Del Toro was pretty amazing in Fear and Loathing. Do you go for the fat sloppy Del Toro or the Usual Suspects clean cut Del Toro

fat and sloppy meaning fear and loathing


Well-Known Member
sometimes i just sit at my kitchen tables with a hunting knife and limes and go ape shit :] my hairs like his too


Well-Known Member
if your having girl troubles, i strongly recommend Neil Strauss' The Game. Ive never been like "terrible" with girls, but reading that book launched me to a whole different level.