why do "nice guys" finish last?


Well-Known Member
fuck knows why but the saying is defo true i finish last all the damn time ive been blown out in favour of a wife beater


Well-Known Member
I think you'll find the situation will turn around in a few years when you guys are wearing clean clothes and driving a nice car and all those "bad boys" are pumping your gas and mowing your yard.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I have a nice guy, we've been together 4 and a half years,My longest relationship.Remember, there's a difference between being nice and being a pussy.Girls don't like weakness.


Well-Known Member
I think that not all girls are bitches, most are don't get me wrong, but not all. cheating is an extremely difficult temptation to handle. especially if you are drunk or at a party where the atmosphere just makes you say "fuck it, its a party". it really is difficult. my gf used to like to roll a lot (before we started dating), but I only let her roll with me now...for obvious reasons. you just gotta give ur partner some credit, if they cheat, they don't really care for you as much as they/you thought, so just get over it.


Well-Known Member
so your wife is with a man that hits her without reason ? :(
she was my girlfriend not my wife i use the term wife beater since i dont know how else i would describe him, it still hurt terribly though as i did everything i could to make her happy but she went back to him again and again. im over it all now though


Well-Known Member
Women take time and money.

Women = time x money

Time IS money

Women = money x money = money ^ 2

Money is the root of all evil

money = sqrt(evil)
=> money^2 = evil

since women = money^2

women = evil :)
hahahaha, wow that was good. im going to write that down somewhere.


Well-Known Member
we've been hanging out a lot, but I've basically been her boyfriend without benefits because I'm still lovin that girl but she's over me. I buy her food, movie tickets, show tickets, drive her places, and basically act like her boyfriend, but without the benefits one would expect.
holy shit dude, step one is stop paying for shit. ask if she wants to go out and at the end say you want separate checks. i do that sometimes when i first go out with chicks and if they still wanna hang out afterwards and not just dig for gold then you will know how you stand.


Well-Known Member
holy shit dude, step one is stop paying for shit. ask if she wants to go out and at the end say you want separate checks. i do that sometimes when i first go out with chicks and if they still wanna hang out afterwards and not just dig for gold then you will know how you stand.
ya, right now I'm just taking a break from her to sort things out. It's too bad she doesn't smoke or we could have a nice relaxed session to talk out our differences, instead she's always screechy and loud and tense and on edge. I will be glad to get away for college, but that group is pretty much the only people I hang out with here at home.


New Member
come on gents you gotta tell the ladies what they wanna here so they get all goo goo eyed over u and they are an easy pokin...then after u poke em u drop em me and my rhyme n crime partner are out to find the tightest vag in so cal haha

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Karma, man.It's gonna getcha.:bigjoint:
come on gents you gotta tell the ladies what they wanna here so they get all goo goo eyed over u and they are an easy pokin...then after u poke em u drop em me and my rhyme n crime partner are out to find the tightest vag in so cal haha


Active Member
girls like assholes because its easier to break up with them, otherwise its like omg this guy is so nice but im really feelin this other guy, how do i break up with this guy if hes always nice to me? and without him crying like a baby and making me feel like shit?

i have been wrong before though.


Active Member
and then theres the sense of security that girls get with assholes, they feel safer with a guy that wont hesitate to pop off when threatened.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Girls like assholes cuz they think they can change him.Like taming the big bad wolf...it's a head trip young girls play with themselves.Everyone wants to be special.If you're smart, you get older and realize you should find someone you like for them, not for what you want from them.


Well-Known Member
Girls like assholes cuz they think they can change him.Like taming the big bad wolf...it's a head trip young girls play with themselves.Everyone wants to be special.If you're smart, you get older and realize you should find someone you like for them, not for what you want from them.

buy a tamagochi then girls ^^ hahahaaaaaaaaa :bigjoint: