Why did my bud turn darker during a 2 days after cured?? Lots pf pics


Well-Known Member
I dried untill my stems snap, and during cure i burp day and night my buds were fluffy when i harvest now wet and dense, the strain is OG kush

left is normal looking untrimmed nug right is fully trimmed since yesterday.

Untrimed nug

trimed nug

here wat i suspect the nugs i left alone look normal while the nugs i further trimmed during cure looked darker and fucked up.


Its normal bro as the budz dry the phospherose in the plants gets broken down and the budz will go a sort of grey color,it all part of the drying and curing process,once all the phospherouse is released it will give a better burn and taste,thats why you dont want to rush dry weed,
Keep toking bro...


Well-Known Member
Its normal bro as the budz dry the phospherose in the plants gets broken down and the budz will go a sort of grey color,it all part of the drying and curing process,once all the phospherouse is released it will give a better burn and taste,thats why you dont want to rush dry weed,
Keep toking bro...
Really? Where did that info come from? I would like to read about it. I have been reading about this for a long time and never even seen the word phospherose mentioned.


Really? Where did that info come from? I would like to read about it. I have been reading about this for a long time and never even seen the word phospherose mentioned.
Well bro there are many sites to read about cell production in plants and the requirements for growth and drying of many varieties of herbs,just punch this in youtube for some brain food...
Gardening Tips : What Does Phosphorus Do for Plants?

I would have thought it was common knowledge but heres your info,and you can work out how it is relevant in curing your budz for a better burn and taste...