Why Cant Cops Be Like This??


Apparently, you don't live in FL. Twice I have had cops bust me with weed. Once, then just said don't let me see you with it again. Another, just destroyed it with no write-ups. Florida prisons are the most overcrowded. Read up NORML. Getting caught growing is very bad here. With half ounce or less they just right you up a ticket to go to court for the max. Judges get pissed when they have to do trials for petty weed.


Well-Known Member
Apparently, you don't live in FL. Twice I have had cops bust me with weed. Once, then just said don't let me see you with it again. Another, just destroyed it with no write-ups. Florida prisons are the most overcrowded. Read up NORML. Getting caught growing is very bad here. With half ounce or less they just right you up a ticket to go to court for the max. Judges get pissed when they have to do trials for petty weed.
Bullshit they right you a ticket. What the fuck florida do you live in? There's no weed ticket. If the cop doesn't want to be a dick he MIGHT let you go. Probably arrest you for the smallest amount of pot though.

Bob Marley Chiefs

New Member

i agree... i was pulled over and as soon as he asked if i had weed i said no and said i have a bowl though...he smelled weed and already had a dog on the way so i told him...thought shit its worth the chance i get off for being truthful...wrong took my ass straight to jail...even after his partner asked him if they were gonna tow my car and take me to jail or just give me a ticket to appear in court...wish his partner would have pulled me over...i hate that cop:evil: