Why are these girls unhappy?


Well-Known Member
How so

Is it the water that's released when it's broken down into H2O + O or is it that pesky O molecule that's gonna "kill my shit"??
Ahhh, supress surprise, another RIU douche bag with all the answers.. or shall I say, he regurgitates what he has read as proof that it works.

I will say this once, and once only.. h2o2 does not STOP root rot. It will temporarily supress it, but it will not kill it.

Beneficial bacteria. Either in tea or straight powder form is what the pros use. That is, unless you have 5 grand to spend on automated monitoring and chlorine dosing system. Benies and 67 degree water tops. Problem solved.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh, supress surprise, another RIU douche bag with all the answers.. or shall I say, he regurgitates what he has read as proof that it works.

I will say this once, and once only.. h2o2 does not STOP root rot. It will temporarily supress it, but it will not kill it.

Beneficial bacteria. Either in tea or straight powder form is what the pros use. That is, unless you have 5 grand to spend on automated monitoring and chlorine dosing system. Benies and 67 degree water tops. Problem solved.
Not sure if you're talking to me or about me lol

Either way i would not advocate h2o2, i am an AACT user.

Was merely pointing out the bs being spouted off about h2o2. Not harmful at all to plants roots in diluted form.

Did you read buddy actually say that hydroguard WAS h2o2?? Wtf is that about lmao



Well-Known Member
Not sure if you're talking to me or about me lol

Either way i would not advocate h2o2, i am an AACT user.

Was merely pointing out the bs being spouted off about h2o2. Not harmful at all to plants roots in diluted form.

Did you read buddy actually say that hydroguard WAS h2o2?? Wtf is that about lmao

Lol, your an ass,, the hydroguard I had,, did in fact have h2o2 in it,,,, , like I said I was trying to give a little warning to oill,, to use caution with that shit,, thats all,, being a proactive member,,


Well-Known Member
Not trying to start a fight, simply saying that h2o2 doesn't do shit. It is great for cleaning tooth brushes and dildos... don't use the same cup however, that is, unless you are from texas.

And FF, hydro guard is merely bassilus subtilis from chicken manure. It does NOT have h2o2 in it.. because it will kill all the bassilus.

For the record, BS is a great "cure all" root bacterium but it's much cheaper in powder form. And likely better as well, as I have always wondered how they kept bacterium in solution actually alive.

There are many benies out there. In a pinch I would go with great white. But if you want the MUTHA' FUCKING BOMB of micro packs then there is only one brand.. og biowar. Root and foliar pack for us hydro folks and all three for those soIL and coco dudes... you know the ones... the guys with sore backs from hauling around bags of medium.


Well-Known Member
The reason h2o2 is dangerous is that in reality (aka. The real world) it can actually damage the tissue of what your cleaning. It works the same exact way that bleach does.. it releases an ion to attacK organic particles.. whether they are viruses, skin cells or root tissue.

Don't belive me, well, you could Google it.. or try this experiment. If you have two cuts, but neosporin on one and pour h2o2 on the other twice a day and see what happens.

The humidity IS too low. But what actually is happening is two things1.
The plant can not keep up with respiration rates because it has too little root structure. 2. It absorbs tons of nutrient while transporting.

If you have low humidity then mist the plants and decrease your nutrient concentration.

You never did give your ppm reading.. which to me says you don't have a ppm pen. That's a no no in hydro. Your ppm and ph tell you EVERYTHING about what is going on with your plants.
Ec is 1300. So weak. Half nutes
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Well-Known Member
So... On the proxide thing...

Seems to me that the plants don't like it immediately but a day and a half afterwards they are way healthier.

The roots are recovering for sure new white ones coming and plants defo on the right Road now.

I agree that it may damage roots but tywnpoint is it kills bacteria on the outside of the root and only slightly damages the outside layer of the root. Then the root recovers with a lack of bad bacteria and the plants love it as the roots bounce back.

That's my theory anyways. You lot can fight all you like!!! Everyone is here to help right.


Well-Known Member
I jist skimmed the thread. I wanted to ask you for a picture of the roots. Are you drowning them like legally said? Are the water levels in the rez above the bottom of the net pot? Lots of guys dont keep the water lower than the pots and sink their plants. Half inch under for me at top offs.


Well-Known Member
I jist skimmed the thread. I wanted to ask you for a picture of the roots. Are you drowning them like legally said? Are the water levels in the rez above the bottom of the net pot? Lots of guys dont keep the water lower than the pots and sink their plants. Half inch under for me at top offs.

Some more facts about my grow.
I have used no medium.... Just directly into water. I do have net pots on place.

One of them was making a recovery with new white roots, but then they started th brown... Above the water line.

To battle this I raised the water and upped the h2o2 levels to try and kill the nasties.

Would u lower the water then??


Well-Known Member

Some more facts about my grow.
I have used no medium.... Just directly into water. I do have net pots on place.

One of them was making a recovery with new white roots, but then they started th brown... Above the water line.

To battle this I raised the water and upped the h2o2 levels to try and kill the nasties.

Would u lower the water then??
I dunno, is the water above the bottom of the not pot? If it is then yes, i would lower it or theyll drown.