who's "rules" ...ounce we shred the constitution??


Well-Known Member
Let's see..... in 1980 our nations debt was about 33% of GDP, and our national debt was about 900 billion. By 1990, after Reagan/Bush, our nation's debt was about 65% of GDP, and our national debt was about 4 trillion. Clearly "trickle down" was not the answer. Clinton came in and actually gave us a budget SURPLUS that would not only pay off our natioanl debt, but continue to save money for many more years. Enter BushCo, who turned a budget surplus into a record deficit, and a fiasco that nearly destroyed our contry, leaving Obama with a national debt of about $13 trillion, two wars costing waaaay more than we were making, and a budget deficit about 120% of GDP. Obama is doing what he can to keep us from complete ruin. Do I agree with everything, no. Do I blame him? Only an idiot would blame Obama for our situation.

Quit being tools. The Fed has destroyed the country while they propped up puppets (politicians) and made you hate each other using tv. Get a fucking clue.
If we had a budget surplus, why did the debt rise every year since 1940???

You got lied to by the Democrats manipulating numbers bro...


Well-Known Member
If we had a budget surplus, why did the debt rise every year since 1940???

You got lied to by the Democrats manipulating numbers bro...
we all had a good idea that you were capable of being dumb, no need to prove it to us.



Ursus marijanus
sounds like a lot of other people who employ people chose to accept that system rather than chance it in somalia.

they didn't have to, no one forced them to start a business. they chose to.
That doesn't mean that everything in the package is good. When you take a job or start a business, it's a package deal. The prospective entreppreneur/employee inspects the package and decides "accept" or "decline". This cannot be equated with the level of choice a line-item approach would afford. (Am I advocating aline-item approach? No. But i am seeking to illustrate the difference between "~shrug~ best I'll be able to do, conditions being what they are ... and "oh yes I would do this anyway!")
Signing a W-4 is a compulsory part of the be-legally-employed package. Compare that with a choice, the defining element of volition. I was never offered the choice to have the job and not sign the W-4. The full relation of compulsory to voluntary is left as an exercise for you, O Gentle Reader of this post. cn


Ursus marijanus
me, gentle?

you bonk your head, bear?
Since it's a public post i thought I would acknowledge the lurkers, all warm&fuzzy in the neer-knowledge that their paranoia just got rustled. ~grin~

I know you're not gentle. One cannot wield a massive charcoal rooster gently and still look credible. I get that. cn