whos gonna be r next president


Well-Known Member
Obama is a lock - I'll take any bet, any comers..........Conservatives will boycott McCain. That will be the decider. But, the wild card is the AARP crowd - they went for Hillary in the primaries and McCain will move to the left, so he may pick up some pissed off Hillary moderates. McCain has alienated the conservatives - I think they'll stay home. And if Ron Paul runs 3rd party, he'll peel off more from the right, than the left.


Active Member
I believe obama will win.
Because most if not all Hilary Clinton supporters will be turning to him.
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Dank O Licious

Active Member
Dude, its already decided. You think we have a say? haha
Its McCain next. i dont even like him and I know hes ganna get elected.


Active Member
If Obama wins that does not mean sexism is more prevalent than racism, if Clinton were somehow to win the election, it wouldn't mean racism is any more or less prominent than it is. I would say most people realize there are more important issues at stake. Race and gender play smaller roles than what their built up to be.
because i feel like Im talking to an idiot or a little kid.:spew:
I agree. I always raise an eyebrow when people say "im 30 yrs old an ave 2 kids + morgaje, also went 2 a grate collage. <3 smoke. peice out."
I don't think anyone on this forum is a spelling/grammar Nazis but if you are trying to get your point across reasonable spelling and grammar can help.
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