Whole branch dead overnight

1CAEC771-EC18-41A4-A269-6A97B8D5DDD6.jpeg Title says it all. When I was watering yesterday evening it was fine, come out today around noon and it looks like this(pic below)

Background info:
Daytime Temps: 107
Nighttime temps:75-90s
Humidity: desert.

Anyone got any ideas what’s up?


Well-Known Member
for reals water that girl! I live n the desert to and when temps r that high i usually end up watering twice a day. When i wake up in the morning my girls r usually starting to droop. If i wait till any time past noon they get really limp. Get up early and hit em while its still "cold" lol.

If its one single branch out of the whole plant then you or something may have broken it at the base and havnt noticed. but it looks thirsty as hell
Water shouldn’t be the issue because it’s only affecting 1 branch...
I had a plant next too it, it hermied so I removed it,

I brought this up because the plant that hermied was shading that exact part..
But I cut it down a week ago... so it’s been in full sun for 7 days and no sign of heat stress

too larry

Well-Known Member
Honestly this is what I was kinda afraid of, dug holes about 2.5 feet deep and 3 feet wide, and replaced all the soil with nice mix, but the dirt below is compact soil.
I killed a 9-10 footer a couple years ago using ferts that were too hot. Looked just like yours. Died from the top down.

But check for bore holes too. That might be your problem.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 4188106 Title says it all. When I was watering yesterday evening it was fine, come out today around noon and it looks like this(pic below)

Background info:
Daytime Temps: 107
Nighttime temps:75-90s
Humidity: desert.

Anyone got any ideas what’s up?
Gopher go it..its a gonner dig near the base of the plant ..if its a brown and black.it died from over watering..if its all healthy green and white..A gopher got it..Theres no coming back from that..sorry


Well-Known Member
In hot dry weather. I have to screen the base of my plants as critters seem to like to ring the base of my plants to get a drink of the sap flowing through the plant. Also when I used smart pots, I would have some burrowing critters eat holes through the pots to get to the water in the root zone when extremely dry.