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Well-Known Member
Hey I wanted to let you know that I found out what the problem was with the deformed leaves with swollen stalks on the new growth. It was tiny little caterpillars. I let em have it with dishwashing liquid solution and picked off the ones I could find. The plants are putting on newer growth now which seems to be normal. I check out my plants more often now. Hopefully the caterpillars won't return to finish them off when I have to leave in a few days...


Well-Known Member
Hey I wanted to let you know that I found out what the problem was with the deformed leaves with swollen stalks on the new growth. It was tiny little caterpillars. I let em have it with dishwashing liquid solution and picked off the ones I could find. The plants are putting on newer growth now which seems to be normal. I check out my plants more often now. Hopefully the caterpillars won't return to finish them off when I have to leave in a few days...
Glad ya worked it out Cindy. I hope everything is OK when ya get back.




Active Member
hey guys i have a quick question hopefully some1 can get bak to me soon
ok so lets say i got all these seeds from a bag of reggies
now i know the seed strain is the weed it came from but what if you grow it good
could u make it some really really good reggies espically if u grow seedless females cuz dont the seeds lessen the potency
if any1 has any info please let me know cuz i know for the most part people by seeds but round here its all reggie seeds


Well-Known Member
hey guys i have a quick question hopefully some1 can get bak to me soon
ok so lets say i got all these seeds from a bag of reggies
now i know the seed strain is the weed it came from but what if you grow it good
could u make it some really really good reggies espically if u grow seedless females cuz dont the seeds lessen the potency
if any1 has any info please let me know cuz i know for the most part people by seeds but round here its all reggie seeds
Hey blaze, welcome to RIU. To answer your question, yes you can grow bagseed and it may turn out the same f not better than the original plant. You are able to control all the peramiters of the grow( veg time, food, light, soil and s forth). Here is a pic of some bagseed I just harvested and man she is a 1 hitter quitter.lol

Hope it helped!

Peace Big

View attachment 1014667


Well-Known Member
awsome thanks for gettin back to me so quick and thanks for those pics
they really boosted my hopes for my grows
No prob. Remember that it is the sum of all parts when it comes to growing. Do not fall victim to the hype that is marketed to us by the Marijuana industry. There are no miracle's in a bottle!

Learn to read your plants, only give em what they need, and learn patience. Oh ya and read,read,read! Go to the Library and get a book on basic botany. It will help ya learn how a plant tick's.

Keep em green!



Active Member
My purple jems males have dropped thier pollen so i have collected it and brushed it on selected lower branchs of my WW, cali dream and purple jems, however the hairs i have polinated on the WW and cali Dream appear to be mainly preflowers ( as they have only been flowering a week but were allready heavily endowed in preflowers) will they seed as normal or have I pollinated too early? The seeded purple jems are already 3 weeks into thier autoflowering so im sure they will be ok.

Can any one help me out? + rep​
My purple jems males have dropped thier pollen so i have collected it and brushed it on selected lower branchs of my WW, cali dream and purple jems, however the hairs i have polinated on the WW and cali Dream appear to be mainly preflowers ( as they have only been flowering a week but were allready heavily endowed in preflowers) will they seed as normal or have I pollinated too early? The seeded purple jems are already 3 weeks into thier autoflowering so im sure they will be ok.

Can any one help me out? + rep​

i have actually done that same exact thing in the past stinker, give or take a couple days but they did seed as normal :smile: what kinda grow medium are you using???


Here I try again, my girls are about 4.5 weeks old, SRs, they are growing oddly 1 is getting extra tall but is very thin, I have adjusted the lights several times but she is still tall and thin, one hasnt gotten very tall at all and the leaf growth is slow. the last one is tall and thin but starting to fan out, but everything is happening so slowly to say they are an AF with 8-11weeks seed to harvest. Here is my setup.

4 CFL 6500 K 20 Watt lights
Mylar backed walls
Just switch to 12/12

Here they are



Well-Known Member
here i try again, my girls are about 4.5 weeks old, srs, they are growing oddly 1 is getting extra tall but is very thin, i have adjusted the lights several times but she is still tall and thin, one hasnt gotten very tall at all and the leaf growth is slow. The last one is tall and thin but starting to fan out, but everything is happening so slowly to say they are an af with 8-11weeks seed to harvest. Here is my setup.

4 cfl 6500 k 20 watt lights
mylar backed walls
just switch to 12/12

here they are
are those auto-flowering plants!? Take them off 12/12!!! Keep it at 18/6 or 20/4!!! auto-flowering strains do not require a change in photoperiod to flower, and will actually be stunted by the traditional 12/12 light cycle...
Hey Fellas, I going to start cultivating. I want to use Stealth bubblephonics any word on doing so.ad what size lamp sould I get not alot of space (4'x5'maybe). I have been doing research and could use advice from those who have already been doing so.
I would love some help wise man,
I have 3 beautiful 6 1/2 foot female plants in my back yard. I live in southern CA, and the weather here is perfect. I didn't realize they would grow so enormous. The problem is the landlord, and I am worried they will reach 20 feet by September. Can you tell me a way that I can make them flower early?
Much appreciation.


Well-Known Member
I would love some help wise man,
I have 3 beautiful 6 1/2 foot female plants in my back yard. I live in southern CA, and the weather here is perfect. I didn't realize they would grow so enormous. The problem is the landlord, and I am worried they will reach 20 feet by September. Can you tell me a way that I can make them flower early?
Much appreciation.
The only way you would be able to flower a plant at your own will, would be to put them in a controlled environment(A.K.A. Indoor grow room), and switch the photoperiod to 12/12...6 1/2 ft! I can only imagine the yield on that plant! that plant can triple in size during the flowering period!!! I would just take a bunch of clones and start an indoor crop...but that's just me...do as you will...



Well-Known Member
Hey Fellas, I going to start cultivating. I want to use Stealth bubblephonics any word on doing so.ad what size lamp sould I get not alot of space (4'x5'maybe). I have been doing research and could use advice from those who have already been doing so.
400-600 watt hps should do...and maybe a 12-16 plant bubbleponic system...



currently germinated jock horror autoflower seeds from nirvana, was just wondering how soon i would need to start adding nutrients to them ... i will be using dyna gro liquid grow and dyna gro liquid bloom and some addatives. when should i add nutrients?


Well-Known Member
currently germinated jock horror autoflower seeds from nirvana, was just wondering how soon i would need to start adding nutrients to them ... i will be using dyna gro liquid grow and dyna gro liquid bloom and some addatives. when should i add nutrients?
I don't have any true experience growing autos, but I know a guy who does, and he usually starts at the 2 week mark like with a reg...



Well-Known Member
So I'm thinking that this is either a little bit of nute burn or a Potassium (K) imbalance... Or maybe even a Magnesium (Mg) imbalance??? I'm leaning more towards the first 2, but thought I'd stop on by here and get a few other opinions before I do anything. So, what are your guys thought on the situation? and what I might do to solve it?

I've been looking around and now just want to get some other thoughts before I take any actions.

Thanks for any help, it's MUCH appreciated!

Some details:
~Strain: Purple Napalm
~Soilless mix
~MG Nutes 24-8-16, feed every other watering
~x8, 6500K, 26W CFL's, 18/6
~82 degrees lights on, 70 lights off
~Water only when soil is dry
~Plant has been in soil for about 3 weeks now, was just a massivally rooted cutting waiting for somewhere to go when I got it.

Haven't had many problems with my plants before, so just tryin to figure this out. I have another plant of this same strain as this at the same age and it's showing no problems what so ever, so I'm just wondering why this one in particular is.