Who else loves the feeling of alcohol as much as weed?



I used to love to drink, I spent most of my youth getting drunk.. but I kind of hate it now. It caused me to have too many nasty hangovers and made me regret shit I did when I was drunk. I hate not having control of a situation and doing stuff that I would normally not do. I hate the feeling I get after I drink and especially the next morning! Ughhh its enough to make me hate alcohol.

But I LOVE my weed! I love everything about it, and it never makes me feel like shit and never makes me regret anything I said or did. Plus I can get high all day and night if I wanted to with no consequences the following day. Its cool how I can wake n bake in the morning and go out and enjoy my day.. feeling great. Its not so cool when you're popping beer bottles open early in the morning.


Active Member
-alcohol-=shitty taste ( subjective, i know... beer is ok sometimes), takes forever to get an effect ( in comparison to god's green gift), beer shits ( runny and feel like youre gonna poop them out but they only come out when you least expect them to), hooking up with anything that has a vagina (or looks like they might have one), inability to drive, saying and doing stupid shit you would never have done high or sober, passing out at peoples houses only to get fucked with (never happened to me but i witnessed one guy have penises drawn all over his body in sharpie). - Weed -( great sticky potent ganja knodges from the heavens.. the fruit of the gods in other words)= appetite, good sleep, better sex, better music, better everything, positive altered perception, stoney zoney red demon eyes, bong rips, blunts, joints, bubbla's, vapes, variety of nuggetries, yummy taste, every strain is unique, oh natural, smells that i want to make into a cologne of some sort and spray it all over my pillowcase, nearly instant effects..... no contest here


Active Member
Definatly love my weed more these days,still have a drink but could live without it.dont think i could live without the weed.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yeah the reason I like weed more is because it doesnt feel like im "poisoning" myself, but I still love the feeling, just hate the side affects.

I hope one day they come out with a weed that makes u feel drunk, and u dont get hungover no matter how drunk u get off the weed!

as other have said theres nothing better than crackin a few ice cold brews and enjoying a nice tasty J.


Well-Known Member
wow i didnt know so many ppl felt da same way cuz i used to be an alcoholic during high school lol but when i was introduced to good chronic da need for alcohol all of a sudden just started disappearing to the point that i rather not drink when ppl offer me drinks if i have weed wit me


Well-Known Member
i used to enjoy drinking and stuff, but im not really much of a drinker now at all. i have a couple drinks here and there, but xmas was the last time i drank. i had a few glasses of wine over the course of the evening. i enjoy the buzz from wine more so than other alcohols...its more of a warm toasty buzz hehe. but i definitely prefer the bud. i would much sooner toke than drink any day. ever since i started toking i've preferred it over alcohol.


Well-Known Member
I personally am alergic to alcohol. Most people who drink get slightly flushed to really flushed red. On new years this year I drank 1/2 glass of champange and ended up with a swollen face that was burning like i chugged a bottle of niacin not to mention my face truns from dark red to purple. It sucks and has gotten worse in the last few years. When I was in the Marines, I used to drink alot but it wasnt till I started drinking after my 2nd deployment that it started gettingh worse. Oh well I guess it for the best, it does suck always being the designated driver.


Active Member
-alcohol-=shitty taste ( subjective, i know... beer is ok sometimes), takes forever to get an effect ( in comparison to god's green gift), beer shits ( runny and feel like youre gonna poop them out but they only come out when you least expect them to), hooking up with anything that has a vagina (or looks like they might have one), inability to drive, saying and doing stupid shit you would never have done high or sober, passing out at peoples houses only to get fucked with (never happened to me but i witnessed one guy have penises drawn all over his body in sharpie). - Weed -( great sticky potent ganja knodges from the heavens.. the fruit of the gods in other words)= appetite, good sleep, better sex, better music, better everything, positive altered perception, stoney zoney red demon eyes, bong rips, blunts, joints, bubbla's, vapes, variety of nuggetries, yummy taste, every strain is unique, oh natural, smells that i want to make into a cologne of some sort and spray it all over my pillowcase, nearly instant effects..... no contest here
Amen brother.
Alcohol puts me to sleep or makes my brain dead after 1 drink.
Having said that I've never been drunk.


Well-Known Member
I smoke weed everyday. i could not drink everyday like I smoke weed. Though, i love me a blue moon after work with a nice bowl of chron


Well-Known Member
it's all about the bud.

alcohol doesn't work the same way weed does. I think of alcohol as a chemical that fits into our receptors like a grinding gear, one of the few chemicals like this that actually produce a favorable reaction.

the fact that it works like a grinding gear (big metaphor here, I just mean it doesn't work elegantly on a ligand receptor like the cannabinoid receptors, it works on the receptors the cannabinoid receptors act on, there is no receptor system facilitating this reaction, it's a chemical that happens to react with these receptors to produce it's reaction.

cannabis has chemicals in it, cannabinoids, that work with our system like an elegant gear system that attatches to several other gears through 1-2 gears. if the first 2 years are overwealmed, they stop, you don't get higher, you don't overdose as the chemical doesn't have more than an antioxidant effect without the cannabinoid receptor system turning it into the high it is.

now how the cannabinoids react with this sytem is what makes cannabis truly amazing. a new cannabinoid could come out at any time and turn that strain into an entirely different subtype . . . . .

regardless, I hope I've helped to convince people that there is a reason cannabis feels SO much better than alcohol as far as the feeling of poisoning yourself.

you truly are poisoning yourself with alcohol, slowly though. such a grinding gear mechanism on your system only has bad long term effects, moderate short-term effects. and in a world of people who love to binge, short term effects aren't cared about. and due to it's legality, nobody questions it's place in society for the most part . . . . when they should.


Well-Known Member
i used to love to drink.
i havent had a drink since new years. by choice.
i didnt consider myself an alcoholic, but i was kinda over the next day after drinking...
feelin all dehydrated, sik to my stomach. headaches.
so on new years day after feeling hungover i decided that would be the last time.
unless i leave the country. if that happens i will be having a drink for sure, but it has to be over seas.


Well-Known Member
Hate hangovers! I do like a cold ass Modelo tho. In moderation, alcho is ok. But a fat joint... Goin to twist right now:):)