White people feeling guilty and social justice warriors...


Well-Known Member
I don't refuse to acknowledge it because of what it stands for as much as I don't like acknowledging "set holidays" in general. It comes from years of programming and controlling family who had to have the appearance of a warm Norman Rockwell painting.

What if I'm broke the month of December and can't buy gifts?
What if all that holiday food just isn't appealing in November?
What if I want egg nog in July?
What happenes if I feel thankful or want to give gifts 'just because' in May?

Why do I have to set aside a day to spend with loved ones and count my blessings? Why does it have to be on Nov. 27th? I feel it's contrived. How about when I want to celebrate with loved ones the closeness I feel to them and the thankfulness in my heart, I just pick up the phone and arrange it then and there?


Well-Known Member
Thanksgiving is the only family holiday I ever liked. No presents. No pretenses. Relatively no bullshit depending on your family. Just eating a dope meal with people that share your bloodline. That's what holidays should be. Christmas is way more fucking retarded.

Everyone knows Halloween is the best holiday.