White eggs or larvae on stems, leaves

Last night I noticed what appears to be eggs on a few fan leaves stem, as well as on a couple of leafs. They were TINY, but you could definitely see them with the naked eye. After closer examination under a 30x microscope, they are most definitely eggs of some sort. One white ball to the naked eye showed to be about 7-8 eggs under the scope.

They mostly seemed to be on the stems of fan leaves towards to top of the plants (which are on day 10 of 12-12). I have scoured the internet, as well as Jorje's Bible and I can find nothing that even closely resembles this... It almost looks like head lice nits on a strand of hair.

We use dyna-gro nutes, and they were sprayed with neem oil right before we flipped the switch to 12-12. We removed what eggs we could see, and are just waiting for the veg lights to go out so we can drop a bomb (Dr. Doom) and blast the little bitches.

Please don't anyone say spidermites, they are very clearly not spider mites. Any other help would be most appreciated. Thanks!


Active Member
The only thing I've seen similar to that was from a moth when they lay there eggs, but that's outdoors so I don't know Whay the hell that is

brotes grandes

Active Member
Could be a form of scale eggs. Looks like eggs I had before a bad infestation of thrips came to town and raped my flowering girl. If you haven't already done so keep one n let it hatch so you can identify it but destroy the rest. GL I hope u get it under raps.


New Member
thanks, I just cut that part of the leaf off. I haven't seen it on any other of my plants. btw, do you know much about Advanced Nutrients or where I can go to make an informed decision on whether to use their products or not.


Well-Known Member
those are not spyder mits, lol . idk what the hell those are, usually the bug will spread those all over the damn place, more then likely a beetle . large bug, spray the plants and don't spare them neem