Mid-Flower ~ Yellow Leaves, Yellow Leaf Stems, Flimsy Branches, Leaves falling off


New Member
Hello i am having some problems with 1 of my plants & can't figure out what it is.

Feeding Dyna Grow Bloom 5ml (http://www.dyna-gro.com/3126.htm)
Dyna Grow Pro-tek
t 2.5ml (http://www.dyna-gro.com/003.htm)

I give them the nutes with 12 Liters of water then 12 Liters of plain water on its own; per week.
(Water has PH of 6.5)

It started with leaves yellowing, first i thought it could be coming to the end so i check the trichomes, they were mostly clear a few cloudy & the buds haven't formed properly yet (there are still white 'flicks' as i call them).
Ph checks out as just over 7; (7.3-7.5) so not great but nothing major.

A few weeks ago i laid alot of dolomite lime down as top soil to help bring the ph up from a lower level & it has worked. So i removed most of it thinking maybe it could be the problem.

Anyway a few days past & the yellowing & had spread to the leaf stems. Now i was thinking possible N deficiency so i added some veg nutes to next feed.
A leaf fan leaf or 2 had now fallen off.
A few days later i noticed my yellow sticky traps had accumulated a fair few fungus gnats (It done this in a 24hour period). I searched my greenhouse & found a swarm of about 50, i killed then all & replaced the sticky traps with a new 1. After a thorough inspection i also found a few on my plant.
I also notice lots of fan leaves are drooping, with 1 or 2 i gently lifted then & they snapped at where their leaf stem meets the main stem of the plant.
Next i given it water with dyna gro - pro tekt.

The best part of a week after with no signs of improvement:
The main stem is green but the stems that are directly attached to fan leaves (leaf stems) are yellow. Some yellow leaves have brown blotches, some fan leaves have progressed even further with whatever this is and have completely turned brown & shriveled.

So these are the stages
1 - Yellowing leaf (loses green-ness)
2 - Continued yellowing leaf (A light yellow), leaf stem starts to droop & stem starts to turn yellow
3 - Continued yellowing leaf (Yellow), stem further yellowing & drooping, possible brown blotches
4 - If the leaf & leaf stem hasn't fallen off; Browning of leaf (dying) & fully drooping; supported by another branch (growing of brown blotch; if their).
5 -leaf & leaf stem fallen off or leaf shriveled & dead

This is spreading & i haven't got it yet,
The 2 that i 'broke off' were weird; where the leaf stem connects to the main stem they were almost rock solid but further down the stem they were normal.
Now i have lost about 6 main fan leaves & more look on their way; yesterday was the first time its happened to a leaf & stem leaf that wasn't connect to the main stem.
I think it could of been the fungus gnats but since they have been gone it still seems to be persisting, im going to do a flush when i next water also i have more than 1 plant but they aren't showing signs of this so that throws the fungus gnats being the cause into doubt

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Well-Known Member
It would be good to know the ppms of your feedings but it really has to be one of two things. Either you overnuted on Potassium in flower and locked out nitrogen, or you never had enough nitrogen in the pot going into flower. I'm betting on the latter. When I did a grow in straight supersoil and only gave water the entire grow, I had the same look in mid flower. Your ph, while a little high, will not lock out nitrogen at those levels.


I disagree re nitrogen. I think maybe you have an iron or magnesium deficiency. (See: http://www.growweedeasy.com/iron-deficiency-cannabis) The lime probably did it. I'm also concerned about the amount of water you are using. Seems like too much, though you didn't say how many plants you are feeding with that much water. Too much water means you are flushing your plant(s) when they shouldn't be flushed. Too much water + too high pH + possible nutrient lock-out = problem. If you are sure you removed all of the lime, I would add some new soil, cut back on the water, wait a week, then lightly feed. Good news is that it looks like you're going to have some fat bud!


Well-Known Member
welcome to RIU, gr0wc0d3. :-) i agree with Bugeye, it's one of those two issues. let us know how she ends up doing and what you decide on doing. good luck on your grow! :peace: