Where to find supplies to make a bag for making dry ice hash?


Well-Known Member
I've seen a lot of recommendations for where to buy bubble bags online, but is there somewhere that sells the supplies I'd need that I could buy it today? I live in a major city in the US, so any nationwide chain or type of store would be helpful.



Active Member
most grow shops or major smoke shops in CA sell some sort of water extraction kits there r a lot of brands that are out thr and MOST of them are not as good as bubble bags IMO but for dry ice they should b fine


Well-Known Member
You can find silk screen all over the place. Many many craft stores carry it as well as hardware stores, art stores, printing stores, toy stores... Nylon for the non screen part can be found at most fabric stores - Joanes seems to always have it in stock as well as walmart, target, ...


Well-Known Member
I got a silk screen frame at Michael's crafts and used dry ice. It got me 1 gram of kief for quite a bit of shake, so I wasn't too happy with it. Hoping bubble bags will work better.


Well-Known Member
I went to home depot and got a sheer curtain for a door, a 1 gal pail and some duct tape. About $20 picked up some dry ice and worked fine.