Where to "Cook" Subcool's Super Soil: Outside or Inside?


New Member
Subcool's written recipe for Super Soil calls for cooking to be done outside in the sun for a month. But his most recent video on YouTube calls for it to be cooked inside for 2 months. He lives way up north, so his indoor cooking may be due to extreme coldness in winter.

I live in the deep south, where we are setting record high temperatures almost weekly. Should I move my super soil (in a trash can) inside so that it doesn't get so hot?


Active Member
It doesn't matter -inside outside. Just don't seal your containers airtight or you'll get the swamp gas.


Is the swamp gas bad?
mine smells like butt but is starting to turn nice and dark its been composting in 55 gallon drums sealed outside in the sun and I mix them around every couple days
Is this a good method?

Alter Ego

Active Member
I live in the deep south and I put my organic soil mix (came up with my own mix, not Subcools) in a trash can with the lid on and left it there for 6 weeks. I have drilled a few holes around the top of the trash can for the "swamp gas" so don't worry. I dump the soil out in a tarp ever couple of weeks to mix it around and to moisten it as needed and let all the ammendments settle and what not. I started using this mix and my plants are loooooooving it. Lush, vibrant, explosive growth. You know the soil is good to use when you smell it and is smells "earthy" like a wooded forest. Don't worry, let them get hot and just leave it the F alone. You'll be just fine.


Active Member
Mines going on the side of the house in a tarp...other than mixing a few times, i'm gonna let this beautiful PNW weather and mix do their thang!! This will be my first run of half my medical garden(6 flowering/card) in supersoil. Can't wait to see the results and resin dripping of them...:)