Where is the DEA?


Well-Known Member
So I have this feeling that the DEA will be finally popping their ugly heads out coming soon. During the cup 4/20. Everything I read about our new laws and them working on them; they always make it a point to say that the federal gov has yet to respond to us passing 64. Sooner or later they will have to come forward and let everyone know where they stand on the matter. Are they waiting till the first ever public Cannabis Cup to do it?
I guess time will tell.
#303 #smilehighcity


Well-Known Member
So I have this feeling that the DEA will be finally popping their ugly heads out coming soon. During the cup 4/20. Everything I read about our new laws and them working on them; they always make it a point to say that the federal gov has yet to respond to us passing 64. Sooner or later they will have to come forward and let everyone know where they stand on the matter. Are they waiting till the first ever public Cannabis Cup to do it?
I guess time will tell.
#303 #smilehighcity
I like that ---#smilehighcity ---,
Did you just make that up ? its a catchy word .
I hope they will change their thinking soon but remember their thinking has been screwed up for so long they may have forgotten how to change their minds . Our wants should be their goal . The will of the people .

Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both – Benjamin Franklin .


Active Member
Great way to feed paranoia, but the feds "have bigger fish to fry" according to the president and the with issue of amendment 64 being a state's right... Highly unlikely that there would be any big busts, but you can bet that there will be cops looking for something that could put a feather in their caps, like finding someone who is flagrantly breaking the law. To avoid all that I'll just carry no more than 2 oz, not smoke out in public and keep the red card handy. Even the mayor won't want to mess up Denver's future business by allowing a heavy handed police action. The rec biz is going to be worth millions and if the event goes smoothly it is good for everyone.


Well-Known Member
A public crackdown in front of the global media on 4/20 isn't on their agenda I wouldn't think. That would be like throwing a gas can on the fire. Bureaucracies like the DEA aren't stupid (bet your ass they watch the opinion polls) at least not when it comes to survival. They can live a ripe, full life on the Gubmint tit guarding our borders and busting meth labs as long as they don't screw it up.


Well-Known Member
A public crackdown in front of the global media on 4/20 isn't on their agenda I wouldn't think. That would be like throwing a gas can on the fire. Bureaucracies like the DEA aren't stupid (bet your ass they watch the opinion polls) at least not when it comes to survival. They can live a ripe, full life on the Gubmint tit guarding our borders and busting meth labs as long as they don't screw it up.
very good point, especially with the 166 million just slashed not to long ago


Well-Known Member
The paranoia behind this is nothing compared to playing a game of "Spot The Fed" at Defcon in Vegas, just sayin'.


Active Member
Not a chance! IMO
A couple bills have been introduced but were shot down pretty quick. Difference lately is that the bills get a little publicity and some news coverage before being killed. There is change in the wind and "you don't need a Weatherman to know which way the wind blows."


Active Member
I would bet that there will be a move to drop it down a notch at the fed level in a few years because they cannot possibly enforce the existing laws. Likely there will be some concession to a state's right to set policy and to reclassify its schedule number. Maybe 1M, something new, so they can get away from trying to enforce laws that are clearly unwanted and outdated. When there are 26 states with some form of legal mmj congress will be forced to do something.


Active Member
i agree chewberto.. i'd shit a brick if it ever is in my lifetime, on a federal level, nation wide..
You guys are way behind the times...Feds will leave it up to each state within next 5 years, and then more than half will legalize on some level. people don't believe the BS anymore those that did are dying....


Well-Known Member
How do fight against an idiot like this?
I think Polis did a great job of not calling her a dumb cunt.



Active Member
How do fight against an idiot like this?
I think Polis did a great job of not calling her a dumb cunt.

OMG, this explains a lot. This admin of the DEA is a total fucking moron, is receiving a royal salary and will get a staggering pension and healthcare for life. Who has the oversight of DEA and how can that person allow this idiot to hold a job in government? Thanks for the post, I think, although now I may need to medicate with some Amnesia to wash the slime out of my thinking after seeing that.