Where do you stand?

Who are you voting for this election?

  • Obama

    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • McCain

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Third Party/other

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • Neither will change shit, not voting, its rigged, Hate everyone, etc.

    Votes: 5 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Active Member
Kind of interested to see where growers stand politically. I would largely assume democrat, but then again I personally hate everything democrats stand for on almost EVERY issue so who knows, maybe there are more of me than I though? Hell I don't even think weed should be legal! hahah but then again, I think the laws against it should be FAR less than they are in many states, especially growing it for personal use.

That said, I'm not a huge McCain fan either, but my vote would never go to Obama. So lets see where you stand with these 4 answers given.

Oh, BTW I'm a long time lurker here, old school grower who just decided to get back in my groove :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
been there, done that. A thread like this gets created like every week. Try using the search function.



Well-Known Member
This is the first one with a third party option- therefore the first I've actually voted in.

I'd bet the majority here on RIU is third party/ write in.


Well-Known Member
Well, I aint happy with the choices, cudda been better choices for both sides, but I know who I am NOT voing for, so the other gets my vote by default.

But I really think one is as bad as the other. Both are workin for the same end, the elimination of the middle class and them (reguardless of what side they seem to be on) will be sure to be the ones at the top of the food chain. And the only way to do that is to make sure that someone else is flippin the burgers and pumpin the gas.....


Well-Known Member
Until last year Obama was middle class himself. Heck, just a few years ago he had his credit card declined, and was just finishing paying his student loans. And he was a community organizer. You know what he was doing? Helping the poor organize so they don't get shafted by the wealthy. He was trying to help people *get* to the middle class; he certainly doesn't want to see it destroyed.

If you look at Obama's tax plan, the taxes are cut primarily for the middle class and the poor, and in significantly higher amounts than McCain's plan. The best example is for the truly poor. McCain is offering them like $37 a year in tax cuts. Obama would help them by more than $500. ($37? That's like a kick in the teeth!)

They are QUITE different, those two candidates. McCain has stacked the deck and weighted things significantly more toward the wealthy. Which, from a pragmatic standpoint, makes sense -- HE is wealthy, so his plan will benefit him more. Obama is wealthy now too, but only recently, and apparently he hasn't yet lost compassion for the common man and the poor.


Well-Known Member
I would personally like to know how McCain is gonna pay for the war without raisin SOMEBODY'S taxes..... I am a beatnik and $100 is ALOT of money to me (weed for a week!) and I can't sit on my ass and let my money make more money for me. There are those who don't hafta work, they INHERITED this, not earned it, and I gotta bust my ass for my measly $300 a week, while others' money make them thousands just sitting in the banks? Kinda makes it hard to relate.....

Big P

Well-Known Member
I would personally like to know how McCain is gonna pay for the war without raisin SOMEBODY'S taxes..... I am a beatnik and $100 is ALOT of money to me (weed for a week!) and I can't sit on my ass and let my money make more money for me. There are those who don't hafta work, they INHERITED this, not earned it, and I gotta bust my ass for my measly $300 a week, while others' money make them thousands just sitting in the banks? Kinda makes it hard to relate.....

most those people worked hard and had no social life when they were young, when I presume you were out partying so i bet you couldnt relate to them back then either

niether could I cuz i was out partying too:bigjoint:

but back then it sucked for them to have no social life and study, but now it sucks for you not to make a lot of money

plus there are lots of ways to make money, like going back to school is one of them.

im a highschool drop out and I make good money to have a house and raise a family

if all else fails sell some dope purchase a nice tow truck and tow cars for $100 - $200 a pop, you will be rich then too:bigjoint:

then i garantee you will be pissed when the government takes 40% of the furits of your labor to pay some beatnic to smoke dope :bigjoint:



New Member
I would personally like to know how McCain is gonna pay for the war without raisin SOMEBODY'S taxes..... I am a beatnik and $100 is ALOT of money to me (weed for a week!) and I can't sit on my ass and let my money make more money for me. There are those who don't hafta work, they INHERITED this, not earned it, and I gotta bust my ass for my measly $300 a week, while others' money make them thousands just sitting in the banks? Kinda makes it hard to relate.....
Here's an Idea, quit smoking pot,(100.00 a week), and start a savings plan, (100.00 a week), when you reach retirement age, that 5200.00 a year, may have added up to a pretty good sum, 20 years=100,000.00 without interest, who knows what it could be with compounded interest, maybe 200,000.00+ It's never too soon to start a good savings plan. Quit wasting money on feeding your head, and start paying yourself. Grow your own if you must smoke the shit.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Here's an Idea, quit smoking pot,(100.00 a week), and start a savings plan, (100.00 a week), when you reach retirement age, that 5200.00 a year, may have added up to a pretty good sum, 20 years=100,000.00 without interest, who knows what it could be with compounded interest, maybe 200,000.00+ It's never too soon to start a good savings plan. Quit wasting money on feeding your head, and start paying yourself. Grow your own if you must smoke the shit.

ye def atleast grow man, $100 is almost like rent.


Well-Known Member
Why do ya think I am on here, so I CAN learn to grow my own? Course, it WOULD help if I lived in a state where I could legally grow my own, and don't think I haven't considered moving, either. But with hubby and me both having pretty good jobs, we can't afford to move, really.

And I have 2 kids and 3 horses, so saving isn't really an option. Me and hubby quit for awhile and we were still broke.

But that is what I get for not being born in a family that cudda left me a trust fund to pay for my habit, I gotta bust ass to earn my money.


Well-Known Member
Big P- no, I actually started fairly late in life, compared to some.

And most of the rich people I know PERSONALLY didn't get that way from anything other than being born in the right family.

ANd I do bust my ass, I am a CNA and I wipe shit offa people's ass for money, and at 30-40 hours a week. If I am willing to share what little I got, how cum those with SO much more won't come off a triflin little bit, when they have WAY more than I could ever DREAM of?


New Member
Why do ya think I am on here, so I CAN learn to grow my own? Course, it WOULD help if I lived in a state where I could legally grow my own, and don't think I haven't considered moving, either. But with hubby and me both having pretty good jobs, we can't afford to move, really.

And I have 2 kids and 3 horses, so saving isn't really an option. Me and hubby quit for awhile and we were still broke.

But that is what I get for not being born in a family that cudda left me a trust fund to pay for my habit, I gotta bust ass to earn my money.
I'm just saying, if you can afford 100.00 a week for pot, then you could be saving 100.00 a week. Pot is not an absolute necessity, is it? If it is, then grow your own. In a 2ftX3ftX6ft closet, I grew 2 crops that exceeded 12-14 ounces each, of dried buds, the bubbler hydro system, cheap and easy. A months worth of pot spending,(400.00) will buy you all the equipment to grow and then pot is basically free for life If you live in a place that allows horses, I'm sure you could find a place outside your home, like the barn or horse house etc where you could set up a grow room. The benefits of growing your own include knowing that you'll be smoking the absolute best money could buy, and reducing the risk of buying utside the home. The secret is in not telling a soul that you are growing, and never divulge the source of the grow. Punk kids will definently raid your stash. Just tell all your drug friends that you quit smoking, or that your cousin in New mexico is supplying all your smoke from his grow operation etc.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Big P- no, I actually started fairly late in life, compared to some.

And most of the rich people I know PERSONALLY didn't get that way from anything other than being born in the right family.

ANd I do bust my ass, I am a CNA and I wipe shit offa people's ass for money, and at 30-40 hours a week. If I am willing to share what little I got, how cum those with SO much more won't come off a triflin little bit, when they have WAY more than I could ever DREAM of?

I would expect the charitable contributions of the super rich would tend to be given to the truley needy rather than people who already have enough food to eat.

I think the break down of the earth and humans will be due to the television

it makes everyone see exaclty what they dont have. everyday all day

suddenly makes what you have seem pretty shitty

but if all they showed on tv was starving children getting eatin alive by maggots while thier mothers try to sell thier bodies for a bowl of rice then I think people will trully see how good they have it.

anyway about growing, if you have like 1 plant under say a 400watt light you could make about 1 lb every 2 months and with one plant your risk of getting anything more the a slap on the wirst is very low even though you are in an illigal state.

but its a risk non the less. just dont tell anyone if you do start a grow

if you do grow, do DWC and use general hydroponics nutes, nothing easyer in my opinion, just like making coolaid not much more complicated than that. let me know if you want instructions.


Well-Known Member
Big P - I gotta particularly keep it on the down-low, I am in a profession where one little slap on the wrists costs me my hard earned, and expensive (to me) liscense, and no more big bucks at work. If I ain't certified, I don't make shit. But how to grow on a budget would be awesome, I have been trying to read up on this stuff today, and my eyeballs are gettin crossed. That is why I dropped outta med school in the first place. And they say that pot heads are dumb- ya gotta have a friggin degree to understand half of that shit!:lol:

The rich that give to charity are awesome, were I rich I would use alot of it to go back into the communities in any way. The only contribution I can really afford right now is I rescue horses. I get to have horses, help hard-luck cases, and it costs the same as being a breed snob. (Little less, maybe.)

I was emailing a pic of a Sudanese kid that was about to die, and the vultures were following him and waiting for him to be still enough for them to eat him, and I was choked up and emailing my friends the pic, and I heard on the news that poor little Kirsten Dunst had a $13,000 pocketbook stolen from her hotel room. THAT kind of imbalance is what I am talkin (bitchin, really) about.

Medicine Man-Technically I don't usually go in the hole for it, I get enough I can sell 3 quarters at enough of a profit to basically smoke for free. But I wanna grow my own, I am an herbalist anyhow.

Biggest danger out here is they catch you using too much power, and we are REAL conservative on energy (keep it down more than most do, with wood heat and no using a dryer and that kind of thing.) I would like to grow outdoors, but alot do that out here (in the foothills of the smokey mountains) and alot of drug choppers search the skies.....:sad:


New Member
Things you will need to start a bubbler grow.
1 400W HPS lamp=109.00 on Ebay
2.Bubbler bin, 6-8 bucks at Wal-mart
3.6 net pots and gro-rocks=20.00 Ebay
4.air pump, tubing, and air stones, 30.00 e-bay
5.1 small fan to cool plants and one large one to remove and circulate air=125.00 ebay
6. hydro-Nutrients30.00-100.00 ebay
7.Ph meter and PPM meter 40.00 ebay
8.seedling plugs, 10.00 ebay
9. Ph up-Ph down. 30.00 ebay
10. directions free, RIU. I may have forgotten domething but these are the basics., seeds= from your friends, a bag of weed or one of the many vendors on RIU


New Member
Here's an Idea, quit smoking pot,(100.00 a week), and start a savings plan, (100.00 a week), when you reach retirement age, that 5200.00 a year, may have added up to a pretty good sum, 20 years=100,000.00 without interest, who knows what it could be with compounded interest, maybe 200,000.00+ It's never too soon to start a good savings plan. Quit wasting money on feeding your head, and start paying yourself. Grow your own if you must smoke the shit.
You know, Med ... for a left-wing Marxist, you're starting to sound quite conservative and capitalistic. We must be having an effect on you. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
My my, how you righties love your lables...... What happens when you can't fit all the round pegs in the square holes you designate?;-)


New Member
You know, Med ... for a left-wing Marxist, you're starting to sound quite conservative and capitalistic. We must be having an effect on you. :bigjoint:

Vi, I've never been against "saving for a rainy day", just been a lot of rainy days in my program. I managed to save a little, very little, but I've always admired the concept. "Pay yourself first" I believe was the premis.