When will budding start on my clones in southern ontario?


Active Member
They certainly hit a wall, size-wise, about 3 weeks back, which is when I think they outgrew the pots they're in. Oh well, don't want them all that big anyway as they take longer to finish.
yes it does it lowers the thc level if it keeps getting frost on it when u see the frost harvest your plant and hang it upsidedown or bring it in if its in a pot and keep growing it if the buds are small
Awesome< just finished some Auto lemon skunks and havesome LR2 just hitting flowering. The big girls are only showing hairs still and not clustering up yet so I figure they have a couple weeks before they will show any dramatic flowering.

THE "ALS" and "LR2" were both seed cropped.


Active Member
Frost won't kill potency,a light frost can actually increase it. The only downfall with a killing frost can be some harsher smoke!
Should I start feeding my girls with flowering nutes this week to start inducing flowering? This seems way too late in the year for my region for them to be starting to flower... there arent even any buds starting its still just preflowers!
Tomorrow morning they will recieve a full dog of the "Bloom" brand organic veg nutes to spike up the N since I have a defiency and I will also give them a quarter strength of the "Bloom" line organic flower nutes and then in about 4 days when the rain passes I will give them a half strength flower nutes and the following week I will go to full strength nutes and mix in molasses every 3 days as long as it stays warm and dry outside since theres no point in ferting them when its going to rain for 2-3 days.

I will also possibly start putting Black bags over them to help induce flowering if these nutes dont kick them off over the next week or so! I hope I can pull this one off!
yo im in southern ontario by london and my plant was in a 26 gallon bucket for the lastmonth it got to big for its planter so i transfered it and has grown easy another 2 inches in the week its been in the ground so its probably going to start budding or already has started budding just havent checked in a couple days but yea shes about 3 feet easy and i planted her june 1st started her in my room with a 8watt and a 12watt light bulb and surrounded it in boston pizza burger bags that are really reflective and not harmfull like tinfoil and then kept her outside allday and then brought her back in at night and put her under the light and ref;ective stuff but yea wasnt a femenized seed and it turned out female so thats pretty fucking dope cant wait till harvesat this is my first time too:)
Sweet dude! I just feel like they should be budding by now! The mother was started in Jan and she is about 6 ft tall and 5ft around(she is a huge sativa called hipppies headband and she has bared nearly 30 clones of which 16 are also being flowered, the otheres I am doing some experimenting with.

On a brighter note I have already done 2 seed crops this year! Auto Lemon Skunks and LR2! Got to love automatics!


Active Member
Feeding them bloom food wont induce flowering. They start when theyre ready, strains vary and they also vary with location. And I dont mix nutes, after they start to flower they get water and when theyre into flower with my N washed out, they get the bloom food. My Ice in buckets are way ahead of my Ice in the ground. My Lemon Skunks, WW and AK47 are all way behind the Ice. If frost starts to hit your area, do the garbage bag thing. I did the garbage bag thing with an Afghani Big Bud cuz it was a 9 week plant. Was a mother that got put out in mid August, then I was getting frost in the last 3 weeks so I put a few garbage bags over it every night, finished off at 3/4 lb !!! Damn I miss that strain !!!
Awesome! I wish my would start budding, they are starting to act like they are, stretching quiet a bit and just look like they are starting to flower, the new growth is starting to cluster up on the tops and more hairs are forming in packs, this is how I know its being of the flowering season here! wOOOOT!


Active Member
2 weeks into august and we all start staring holes into the plants looking for signs, and get worked up over every slender shoot! In about 2 weeks you won't have to look hard at all,though. Patience.
haha sorry guys im freaking out because im worried about them finishing! It will be hard to get out there to cover them with deer hunters walking around and even trying to take them out to finish indoors would be risky because of all the hunters!


Well-Known Member
I have a huge bagseed sativa, seven to eight feet tall, fan leaves are seven blade, small leaves and thin. She has pistils all over, hope she finishes. The others are obviously more indica dominant, one has decent buds on it already, must be an early finisher. Have some NY Diesel, they are taking their sweet ass time though, just some decent pistils but not formed totally yet. Im in NY State south of Albany, hope to keep all of them out until 2nd week of October, unless there is some freak cold weather that would force me to harvest a little early. I may just bring the smaller five footers in at night and cover the sativa if frost is predicted. Have six hoes out this summer, should get to harvest at least four, some will be lost ot animals, happens every year. This year in addition to human urine and dog hair I am using red pepper spray and another organic pest control which contains garlic, cinnamon, clove, white pepper, peppermint, etc...
I went out and checked on the huge mother and she has hairs allllll over her as of today and I just gave her straight bloom nutes 2 days ago and 2 days before that I gave her full strength veg and full stregth bloom also the full line of organic additives.
All clones and autos were also ferted 2 days ago and 4 days ago! Now they will get only rain water for the next 3 days as its supposed to rain on and off, then they dry for a day or 2 and then full bloom nutes again to keep kicking them in high gear!

The 4 -LR2's are measuring in at 12 1/2",13",16",and 20" all are producing very nice full fruity smelling buds and the seeds are filling in nicely on all of them. Looks like I will reap seeds this harvest and have a little bit to smoke and the rest will turn to crystals! ;0
can you ontario-ario-ario people update the status of your flowering.????
It doesn't seem to be so aggressive in the flowering stage yet.