When to Flush??? Cant find answer


Hey everyone, im about 6 weeks in to flower with an unknown bagseed. I know you're supposed to flush 1-2 weeks before harvest, but how do I know how long im supposed to flower for since this is a bag seed? I was thinking about flushing tomorrow, it'd be 6 weeks. And I plan on flushing for 2 weeks. But I dont want to jump the gun if this particular seed should flower for 10 weeks. Does this make sense? I searched and couldnt find an answer anywhere. Im doing DWC in a waterfarm type set up.


Active Member
Good question. I am in a similiar situation and will probably wait 8 weeks - even if you miss the flush completely or flush a little early you'll have just fine a product. keep notes though so you know for your clone!


Active Member
I am NOT a fan of flushing. After all, why would you starve your prey just before killing it? I like to fatten mine up. (see my avatar) :)

If you must flush then do it the last 5-days. I prefer to just stop using nutes the last week or so.

Don't worry too much about flushing. I've done it... I've not done it... I can't tell a difference and neither can anyone who's ever smoked my 215.

Just relax and enjoy your harvest... IMO, no matter what you do as far as flushing goes, it won't make a huge difference.


Well-Known Member
You flush a toilet not a plant. You can begin to decrease nute rates the last few weeks. Depends on how the plants look. Remember the last couple of weeks is when they put on the most bulk and resin. Why starve them then????????????


Well-Known Member
I am NOT a fan of flushing. After all, why would you starve your prey just before killing it? I like to fatten mine up. (see my avatar) :)

If you must flush then do it the last 5-days. I prefer to just stop using nutes the last week or so.

Don't worry too much about flushing. I've done it... I've not done it... I can't tell a difference and neither can anyone who's ever smoked my 215.

Just relax and enjoy your harvest... IMO, no matter what you do as far as flushing goes, it won't make a huge difference.
Blah blah blah blah.. To each there own.... To answer the question I would wait till week 8. Most strains have no problem going 10 weeks. If its ripe before that then pull it, no harm no foul. GH sells a flushing solution I like to use..