when should i flower


so im growing hydroponics in my pc tower.... needless to say....shes a big b*#ch. My plant was from a bag of good chronic...im guessing it is a sativa cause of the skinny leaves but turn out pretty bushy like a indica. she/or he is 5-6 weeks old. should i flower her now so it doesnt outgrow my case cause they can double in size during flowering?.....ive tied her down once (wont b the last)IMG_0068.jpgIMG_0067.jpgIMG_0070.jpgIMG_0069.jpg


Well-Known Member
i would suggest that you tie it down to spread it out more, let it veg 1 more week, then pop it into flower and keep tying it down for the first 2 weeks of that.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
You're going to have a six foot plant no matter what you do. The only choice is to tie down and flower now.

When you have a serious limitation on vertical space, you have to pick the strain carefully, and never a sativa.