When is growing pot legal?


Well-Known Member
hey, im just wondering... under what specific conditions is growing marijuana legal? both male and female for the intent of getting seeds?


Well-Known Member
nah u cant grow in amsterdam. u can buy and smoke it. its still illegal to have more than 5gs on u.

u cannot grow unless u have a licence. say for example, a coffee shop must have to apply to their government, i think medical users can grow as well, not too sure.


Well-Known Member
It's mostly legal for medical patients in some states... The feds aren't coming to medical growers doing sane grows even though they technically could, and the states simply can't if they've legalized like Cali and Oregon and whoever else.

outside of the US I dunno

Anywhere else just don't get caught, it's all good up until then. :)


Well-Known Member
here in western australia alot of marijuana have been softened

they have decriminalised alot of offences, you are currently allowed to have 2 plants
growing and it is only a $200 fine or a drug information course thing, no further action

pretty cool but either way i will almost always have more than 2 plants growing so.....



Well-Known Member
People get thrown in jail for growing in amsterdam just like cali, you cant make a living off 12-25 or 99 plants.


Well-Known Member
You can legally grow 25 plants in alaska, you cannot legally grow them in the united states. Understand that we live in a federal system,


Well-Known Member
What about if you use it for religious intent? I remember a church website with thousands of members and the basis of it was cannabis smoking, eating, etc. It was "the Holy Plant" or whatnot lol. If someone was growing and were part of that church, the government could not do anything correct? Edit :Assuming you are in America and have the right to freedom of religion.