When Im bored..........I


Well-Known Member
thats really great tho...maybe evolutions way of making us at peace when we are dying??..."god" made drugs are awesome its that heroin and chemical shit that gives a bad rap :D


Well-Known Member
i cant begin to explain how awesome dmt is, i dont do it when im bored but when i feel like i need to get in touch with myself.
I took your post too awesomely serious to recognize the touching thing.. Nice catch kermit. But yeah dude I know exactly what you mean. After a DMsTer trip I look around me and make a happy sigh since everything is just so.. IDK.. It's good (everything feels normal again) whatever it is..


Well-Known Member
http://www.homemadedrugs.net/dmt ...gonna read this but figured id post it first as well...science is super intriguing id love to be able to make dmt ...u guys are talkng to someone that will go to school for this purpose, much like arthur stoll and albert hofmann...like if u no the reference :D


Well-Known Member
Best to get it from mimosa hostilis root bark.. It's legal to get too.. It's when you put it in the jars and shit that it becomes illegal. Yeah we release low amounts of DMT in our dreams.. And dump loads of it before we die.. That has always freaked me out. You know how people look down upon trippers and drug users? Well imagine the most innocent little old lady.. Well as soon as she dies she's going to go on one hell of a "drug" induced hallucination trip. I think that's why people look like they just saw a ghost when they die.
yeah if youve ever watch someone die in front of you i guarantee the look is similar to the look someone has when they're blasting off, although our mind does live a lot longer than our bodies so your brain is still tripping when your body's dead. i cant wait to die, i know that sounds bad but who knows what you find out when you die, DMT trips are always stop right before i feel like im going to figure out the secret to the universe but when i come back i just feel like i looked at the grand canyon and niagra falls multiplied by like 100000000, just total amazement with life really. i didnt feel as optimistic about anything before i did it either. ive been told crazy shit by the being that come to me in these trips too, like why im here and where im supposed to go. they dont say it but i feel it being communicated. i think the pinneal gland is the doorway to our spirit and true nature, its almost as if we fall into another dimension for a few minutes.


Well-Known Member
thats really great tho...maybe evolutions way of making us at peace when we are dying??..."god" made drugs are awesome its that heroin and chemical shit that gives a bad rap :D
Yes, I absolutely LOVE natural drugs.. Not being a hippy, IDC if people trip on man made drugs, but I just prefer natural drugs. Not even because they're "natural" though (I could care less), but because they're just amazing.


Well-Known Member
yup!! something about drugs created naturally...psylocybin, straight opium....pot ofcourse....its just meant to be, id love to try dmt not the easiest thing to find tho, indian tribes use it, they have been around so long its naive to think they dont know whats up!!!


Well-Known Member
yeah if youve ever watch someone die in front of you i guarantee the look is similar to the look someone has when they're blasting off, although our mind does live a lot longer than our bodies so your brain is still tripping when your body's dead. i cant wait to die, i know that sounds bad but who knows what you find out when you die, DMT trips are always stop right before i feel like im going to figure out the secret to the universe but when i come back i just feel like i looked at the grand canyon and niagra falls multiplied by like 100000000, just total amazement with life really. i didnt feel as optimistic about anything before i did it either. ive been told crazy shit by the being that come to me in these trips too, like why im here and where im supposed to go. they dont say it but i feel it being communicated. i think the pinneal gland is the doorway to our spirit and true nature, its almost as if we fall into another dimension for a few minutes.
Whenever somebody has a good/normal trip I can't help but smile. It just makes me feel so good and happy (totally not trying to sound like a fairy lol). And I know.. It's like a blast off there and you're just learning so so much.. your brain has expanded..then you stop learning.. you're coming back.. you're back and happy that you were taught what you were taught, but you want to be there again in bliss. When I die I just hope I have a fun trip.. I want to stay with the "kind" beings. Not trying to sound crazy haha. Bah I love talking about DMT.. Bong rip time.


Well-Known Member
you must spread some reputation around before giving it to hepheastus420 again.....lol guess we agreed in the past .....wish i could join u on the bong rip but i have a drug test upcoming :( ....


Well-Known Member
yup!! something about drugs created naturally...psylocybin, straight opium....pot ofcourse....its just meant to be, id love to try dmt not the easiest thing to find tho, indian tribes use it, they have been around so long its naive to think they dont know whats up!!!
its not as much i care that its natural as much as i dont want someone fucking with something i put in my body really. synthetics have their place in the medical field but as far as pleasure and satisfaction from a drug, dont expect synthetics to give you a pure high and a clean comedown with no harsh effects. i also have a policy on only doing things that arent addictive, i mean anything can be habit forming but im talking when your body relies on a certain chemical and cannot operate without. i myself have been taking a tolerance break for 5 days now(i know, ridiculous right?). i found myself smoking through like 2 grams a day and barely getting high. although thats not a big amount i do smoke potent and i weigh not too much so just a bit will get me pretty stoned, i can usually smoke 2 like 0.3g bowls and be high as a kite, but it started to turn into 3 bowls, 4 bowls, and so on.
i needed a break, and theres a great example how weed isnt addictive. i havent been too effected, except my back pain/insomnia but other than that im happy as can be. i love getting stoned and relaxed but sometimes i want to just experience life without it, it makes you appreciate it a lot more too. thats the only reason i love natural drugs like mj, although if you use opium for too long your body may become reliant, ive only done weed, shrooms and DMT in my life, never smoked a cigarette and im very proud of it, unfortunately all my friends smoke cigarettes so im basically fucked either way, including the fact that air quality has become shit, so things can only go down hill really. but hey, we're all dying every day so its whatever.


Well-Known Member
Whenever somebody has a good/normal trip I can't help but smile. It just makes me feel so good and happy (totally not trying to sound like a fairy lol). And I know.. It's like a blast off there and you're just learning so so much.. your brain has expanded..then you stop learning.. you're coming back.. you're back and happy that you were taught what you were taught, but you want to be there again in bliss. When I die I just hope I have a fun trip.. I want to stay with the "kind" beings. Not trying to sound crazy haha. Bah I love talking about DMT.. Bong rip time.
hahaha i know we sound crazy but its something you have to do to understand. wherever i go on DMT is absolute bliss, i usually find myself in the depths of space doing something from my child hood, last time i rode a bike on the rings of saturn, then i blinked and appeared in a room where all the walls were all sorts of geometric shapes, thats usually where these beings find me. i dont know exactly what it means, but it happens to almost everyone once they've surpassed a certain level, so it must mean something.


Well-Known Member
yup!! something about drugs created naturally...psylocybin, straight opium....pot ofcourse....its just meant to be, id love to try dmt not the easiest thing to find tho, indian tribes use it, they have been around so long its naive to think they dont know whats up!!!
I totally forgot the tribes name; but there was an old indian tribe that would hotbox their tent things with DMT.. Some people would be on the outside blowing DMT smoke inside the tent making the person inside trip on crazy amounts of DMT.. The point of it was to prove manhood. They would have to "master" their trip and its teachings without losing your mind in the trip. Once they were done, that person (if they didn't lose it) would be seen as a wise and brave man.. It's a bit of an abuse of the drug, but I bet those men were some of the most mentally strong people.


Well-Known Member
I totally forgot the tribes name; but there was an old indian tribe that would hotbox their tent things with DMT.. Some people would be on the outside blowing DMT smoke inside the tent making the person inside trip on crazy amounts of DMT.. The point of it was to prove manhood. They would have to "master" their trip and its teachings without losing your mind in the trip. Once they were done, that person (if they didn't lose it) would be seen as a wise and brave man.. It's a bit of an abuse of the drug, but I bet those men were some of the most mentally strong people.
i wanna be an indian. btw just notice your earl sweatshirt quote, ofwgkta is the fuckin shit, hodgy, domo, tyler and earl are the best(not in any order, they're all good in a different way).


Well-Known Member
hahaha i know we sound crazy but its something you have to do to understand. wherever i go on DMT is absolute bliss, i usually find myself in the depths of space doing something from my child hood, last time i rode a bike on the rings of saturn, then i blinked and appeared in a room where all the walls were all sorts of geometric shapes, thats usually where these beings find me. i dont know exactly what it means, but it happens to almost everyone once they've surpassed a certain level, so it must mean something.
I must admit the rush is very overwhelming.. I've gotten good at not fighting it. The shit that goes on.. blows my mind. Have you ever seen elves? I've heard much about them but have never experienced it. I've seen transforming beings but never elves. I've seen things that are just.. well no words to describe them.. Just they're there.. like right fucking there.. You have to shut up because these beings know more than you'll ever know. You have to respect them. I sure as hell know I'll never disobey them. I would say "WTF" is the best words in english to help explain the feeling but that's too disrespectful and not worthy enough. IDK but this bong rip has ripped me in half..


Well-Known Member
i wanna be an indian. btw just notice your earl sweatshirt quote, ofwgkta is the fuckin shit, hodgy, domo, tyler and earl are the best(not in any order, they're all good in a different way).
Tyler the fucking creator is the beast of all beasts IMO. He destroys earl in assmilk.. [video=youtube;D6P7cnxn2NU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6P7cnxn2NU&list=PLD1C08257AA14A6A3&index= 1&feature=plpp_video[/video]


Well-Known Member
I must admit the rush is very overwhelming.. I've gotten good at not fighting it. The shit that goes on.. blows my mind. Have you ever seen elves? I've heard much about them but have never experienced it. I've seen transforming beings but never elves. I've seen things that are just.. well no words to describe them.. Just they're there.. like right fucking there.. You have to shut up because these beings know more than you'll ever know. You have to respect them. I sure as hell know I'll never disobey them. I would say "WTF" is the best words in english to help explain the feeling but that's too disrespectful and not worthy enough. IDK but this bong rip has ripped me in half..
right after my 3rd or 4th hit off a grav or pipe, i get the feeling your talking about. its like my body tells me "fasten your seatbelt motherfucker" hahahaha. and never seen elves, i hear people see them on shrooms more than DMT though. the beings are incredible, if i could talk to them i dont think they would understand my language. i have to find a way to communicate with them, maybe when im a more experienced psychonaut.


Well-Known Member
Tyler the fucking creator is the beast of all beasts IMO. He destroys earl in assmilk.. [video=youtube;D6P7cnxn2NU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6P7cnxn2NU&list=PLD1C08257AA14A6A3&index= 1&feature=plpp_video[/video]
did you hear the new OF tape? shit was good for the most part, syd the kid is weird as fuck doe.
and hodgy's untitled EP was pretty fuckin good, EARL has to be my all time favorite though, i hope he makes another album like now.


Well-Known Member
right after my 3rd or 4th hit off a grav or pipe, i get the feeling your talking about. its like my body tells me "fasten your seatbelt motherfucker" hahahaha. and never seen elves, i hear people see them on shrooms more than DMT though. the beings are incredible, if i could talk to them i dont think they would understand my language. i have to find a way to communicate with them, maybe when im a more experienced psychonaut.
Their language breaks through our physical bodies if that makes sense. I mean they don't have a language, you just know. Sometimes they literally inject their words into my brain.. I'm not talking about a needle, but they just penetrate my brain. Talk about a mind fuck. You're gonna try to talk to them? You got balls bro lol. I'd consider myself a veteran earth tripper, but space tripping.. I'm just not ready to tackle that shit. I think I barely earned my space boots lol. I love smoking a little bit of DMT too though. Like not blasting through the barrier. you can do fun things like actually move and stuff. And the crazy part is that you'll still see things (people with pyramids of eyes with purple skin).. I think that's more "fun" but not as meaningful as a harder trip.

Syd the kid? Who the hell is that? Is he pretty badass? And yeah earl comes right behind tyler IMO.. It's like earl is dope but tyler just destroys.


Well-Known Member
Their language breaks through our physical bodies if that makes sense. I mean they don't have a language, you just know. Sometimes they literally inject their words into my brain.. I'm not talking about a needle, but they just penetrate my brain. Talk about a mind fuck. You're gonna try to talk to them? You got balls bro lol. I'd consider myself a veteran earth tripper, but space tripping.. I'm just not ready to tackle that shit. I think I barely earned my space boots lol. I love smoking a little bit of DMT too though. Like not blasting through the barrier. you can do fun things like actually move and stuff. And the crazy part is that you'll still see things (people with pyramids of eyes with purple skin).. I think that's more "fun" but not as meaningful as a harder trip.

Syd the kid? Who the hell is that? Is he pretty badass? And yeah earl comes right behind tyler IMO.. It's like earl is dope but tyler just destroys.
exactly, its almost telepathic. and idk, i wanna ask them more questions if i can figure out a way, takes balls i agree hahaha. i know what you mean though, i do lower dosages for fun and higher for finding out about myself, its like theres different levels to reach.

and shes some dike that used to make beats, but now she makes like techno ish kinda shit now but OF made her famous, kinda like how frank ocean used to like only sing in most of his songs but when he raps he's pretty sick too.


Well-Known Member
exactly, its almost telepathic. and idk, i wanna ask them more questions if i can figure out a way, takes balls i agree hahaha. i know what you mean though, i do lower dosages for fun and higher for finding out about myself, its like theres different levels to reach.

and shes some dike that used to make beats, but now she makes like techno ish kinda shit now but OF made her famous, kinda like how frank ocean used to like only sing in most of his songs but when he raps he's pretty sick too.
I just checked out one of her songs.. Slow ass song and she sucked.. But she might have some pretty cool songs. I like her name.. syd. I haven't heard her rap.