When flushing? To do...


Active Member
When one wants to flush out build up. Does the distiller water need to be new or can you reuse the water that drained out to clean the other girls? Does it need to be fresh for them all?


Well-Known Member
fresh water, you dont want to flush with water that is contaminated with the things your trying to flush out.. Make sure its fresh clean water and id recommend havein it phd properly as well.


Never use water that has come threw your plants unless your dumping it into your garden in the yard. All the salts and mineral build up in your soil is comming out in the 20% run off you should get when you water normaly, putting it back threw will give you root problems, or rot


Active Member
Good stuff. Will just get filtered water. Or let sit overnight.
Now only problem is heating of hps too hot


if the girls are not to close and your hood has a glass cover on it pull the glass off, just dont let the kids get to close. get an inline fan too.


Active Member
ok, well dont have an access to outside fresh air. but there is a tube that connects to fan from bathroom, whic leads out through roof should i connect duct to that?


ya for sure, just get fresh air in from somewhere. Good air in bad air out,those girls are creating ALOT of oxygen and will starve the room of C02 quick if you dont have a way to at liest get fresh air from the house in there. if your in the basement, use the dryer line going out as your " good air in" as long as your not running the dryer, there is your air from out side. if your in a closet.... well.... cut a hole in your celing and get a vent tube to to any attic or roof vent you can. you can make a neet little A.C unit with a small bar refrigerator and some ducting, just drill a hole threw the door of the fridge screw in a 4" duct connector to the face of it run duct into your room. I tried it, I actualy invented it when i needed to cool a room and had no means, an old bar fridge, some duct work and an idea. it was a small room and the condencer on the fridge didnt actualy burn out for like a year! kinda cool. remember its not just the lights creating heat! Respect