Whats the seedbank im looking for =p


Active Member
Hey guys, ive done a little bit of research about looking into what site ill order from but id like to hear what yall have to say?

obviousally im looking for some seeds that are actually going to make it to my house, but i was wondering, What reliable site have you found that in general gives you the highest yield of something actually worth smoking? (Chronicy shit). I still don't know what i want to grow but im leaning twords jack herer, not a solid choice though.

Any thoughts on this?


Well-Known Member
jack herer sounds great. also big bud. remember the more light the bigger yield. seriously almost any plant you buy will yield a lot and still be good if its from a good seed bank.


Active Member
jack herer sounds great. also big bud. remember the more light the bigger yield. seriously almost any plant you buy will yield a lot and still be good if its from a good seed bank.
well, i don't know how much venelation im going to need but im running 2 1000 watt metal halide lights for vegging and then when flowering comes in 2 1000 watt hps lights. only planing on growing like 20 plants so i think that should be very sufficient. =p