what's the most heroic thing you have ever done (man only thread)!


Well-Known Member
I saved someone from drowning in the sea once (capsized boat). was stoned and had to jump in cold water And swim through sea weed. I could have easily watched her drown. lost my shades in the process but that is a different story.

So, apart from ordering your woman to go make you a sandwich what is the most heroic thing you have done?


Well-Known Member
my girlfriend was on the blob and sent me to the shop to buy her some tampons. I sheepishly asked "can I have a box of tampax please".
ffs she goes "which one would you like sir" ... fuck me, I pointed and said "that one there please."



bud bootlegger
i just heard on the radio the other day that this guy fell from a fourth floor into a vat of acid, and one of his coworkers dived in after him and saved his life..
pretty fucking heroic if you ask me b'cuz you know you're also going to get fucked up and burnt by that shit..

i'm not that heroic, hell's to the nah's..


Well-Known Member
I have saved a couple of kids as a lake front lifeguard. I gave comfort and made laugh a kid who just broke his wrist at a sports camp. I'm sure that was pretty heroic to him. I've scraped kids up with busted lips, teeth, faces, etc. while working at a skate park. Same deal for them I guess. Nothing more scared than a kid who's bleeding from their face. Well...maybe the parent you help them to. :D


Pickle Queen
Why can only men post? Well then next time I see a man slumped over at the wheel i wont put my life in jeopardy and stop his vehicle with mine ( dude was about 2 drive right off the hill into the creek, but I used my brothers car to "bump" him over and then gunned it until i was infront of him, hit the brakes and let him rear end me, I assumed he was having medical problems, but found out later he was drunk and 11am. Why do men think it's "heroic" to give themselves to save another, as a women i call this instinct, if someone needs help I react, dear lord if i'm ever the person in need I hope someone helps me.
And the most heroic thing is done daily by women, we sacrifice our own body to procreate.


Active Member
I once saved a woman from committing suicide and another time I jumped into a fight where a person was about to punch a woman in the face w/a fist full of car keys that were protruding from their fist. I tackled the asshole and pinned them down so they couldn't do any more harm. Oops....just saw the part a/b "men only" :) I agree w/April....these things aren't heroic...they are just the "right thing to do"--another minor perspective difference between men and women I guess.


Well-Known Member
My friend got shot twice in the chest. I put him in backseat and made my way to the freeway on ramp when I saw a ambulance with its lights and sirens on coming off the freeway. So I bussed a u turn and chased down the ambulance for about 6 blocks before I caught up to it and made it stop. I didn't care if it was somebody in the back already at the time, I actually didn't even think about it lol.

His lung ended up collapsing but he survived. I honestly feel like if I would have had to drive all the way to the hospital he probably wouldn't have made it.
Just so happened the ambulance was coming off the freeway when I was getring ready to get on . What are the chances of that ?
Coincidence? or God at work? Either way it was crazy the way it happened.


Pickle Queen
My friend got shot twice in the chest. I put him in backseat and made my way to the freeway on ramp when I saw a ambulance with its lights and sirens on coming off the freeway. So I bussed a u turn and chased down the ambulance for about 6 blocks before I caught up to it and made it stop. I didn't care if it was somebody in the back already at the time, I actually didn't even think about it lol.

His lung ended up collapsing but he survived. I honestly feel like if I would have had to drive all the way to the hospital he probably wouldn't have made it.
Just so happened the ambulance was coming off the freeway when I was getring ready to get on . What are the chances of that ?
Coincidence? or God at work? Either way it was crazy the way it happened.
Nothing in life is a coincidence ,ever see the movie "Premonition" with Sandra Bullock, a must see


Pickle Queen
I once saved a woman from committing suicide and another time I jumped into a fight where a person was about to punch a woman in the face w/a fist full of car keys that were protruding from their fist. I tackled the asshole and pinned them down so they couldn't do any more harm. Oops....just saw the part a/b "men only" :) I agree w/April....these things aren't heroic...they are just the "right thing to do"--another minor perspective difference between men and women I guess.
Wait i've also put myself between a few assholes, one even hit me, oh ya men are this pathetic, seein as i'm 5ft 100lbs, it did not go over well, his "friends" had to be stopped by me, lol oh the irony.2 yrs later he wrapped a cord around his neck and took the cowardly way out, ya afraid to deal with the child his g/f was incubating and the reality he set forth upon himself. KARMA i say. Well maybe this thread will convinve me that some real men do exist, hahahahaha maybe....
Damn ur fresh meat , welcome to RIU new friend :)


Well-Known Member
smashing Iona Mackey's arse in four times a day on the natural for about a month. dry my friend just tired and dry (gotto factor in the odd sly tug too).

High five x

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Why can only men post? Well then next time I see a man slumped over at the wheel i wont put my life in jeopardy and stop his vehicle with mine ( dude was about 2 drive right off the hill into the creek, but I used my brothers car to "bump" him over and then gunned it until i was infront of him, hit the brakes and let him rear end me, I assumed he was having medical problems, but found out later he was drunk and 11am. Why do men think it's "heroic" to give themselves to save another, as a women i call this instinct, if someone needs help I react, dear lord if i'm ever the person in need I hope someone helps me.
And the most heroic thing is done daily by women, we sacrifice our own body to procreate.
Whoa, now that's heroic. Almost sounds like something out of a movie. Congrats, on having your own set of balls.


New Member
pulled a friend out of a firefight in afghanistan. took a round in the leg and couldn't move. ran 15 yards of open terrain to get to him. wasn't even thinking at the time. literally felt like i was in another world. like i was watching myself play a video game.

can we please get the chics outta here talking about sandra bullock movies. pathetic.


Well-Known Member
pulled a friend out of a firefight in afghanistan. took a round in the leg and couldn't move. ran 15 yards of open terrain to get to him. wasn't even thinking at the time. literally felt like i was in another world. like i was watching myself play a video game.

can we please get the chics outta here talking about sandra bullock movies. pathetic.
Idk about YOU but id much rather converse with a chick than start a sausage fest convention.


Well-Known Member
we were in the americas and had some free time, so of course we got drunk. the next morning, hungover to fuck, we kinda woke up at the same time as you do when on routine. There's two in this room, me and some next man. we look at each other and wry smile acknowledging what we did last night! and at the same time we both look down at the floor as if called And there is the biggest non poisonous Spider you've ever seen. Seriously this thing was about the the size of rowlman's head.

We're needing to piss after la noche and after staring at this thing for a couple of minutes! And in order to visit the toilet yet alone leave the room we must walk past scary Spider. muggings here had passed out in his trainers so it's decided that i try and whack it. Now if you've ever been in the americas you'll know that your capacity to drink 10 beers suddenly turns into 5000. so i am more likely to fall face first on top of said Spider this morning.

Desperate for a piss I stood up and stamped on it.

High five x


Pickle Queen
Idk about YOU but id much rather converse with a chick than start a sausage fest convention.

RFLMAO!!!! aww nuglets just wants some attention, lets give it ;) Wow nuglets, ur such a brave man !!!!! Thank u for all u have done!!!

Can I make u a sandwich? Sorry nuglets can't watch the movie, he thinks it's pathetic, oh well more cookies for u :)