What's The Deal With Afghanistan?


Active Member
First of HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I love the way at the start some guys banged on about how afghanistan is a shithole then when someone asked who's been there it was kinda one of those "ah lets shut the fuck up and sprint on to the next topic I can complain about...minerals aye that'll do minerals", Although I've never been there I can say ones thing I'd rather be there and live free as the people there do rather than be in this judgemental materialistic western culture we have, don't even say it's not because not one person can say they walk out their door with even a hoddie with a stain on it and not shit themselves at how many people will be "looking at them" and the guys that attack me for sayin why would you go outside with a stained top on will only make my point further...Leave the things you have no clue on alone they people from there are amazing people if you actually talk to one of them, the reason they live like they do is because maybe they don't want TV and other shit to stare at all day maybe they take a look around them and see something better than TV could ever create. Ah fuck it i'll stop here no point ramblin on.

Noob destroyer indica gives you a stone all over your body it's a different buzz than being high and definitly as your teacher says a dumb high...you can't think other than eat and sleep.

pro grow

Active Member
We would never have gone to war if those towers never got hit up. But the world is still a big place and there will always be hot spots for your entertainment. All you need is a sack of bud and a car in this world and you can make money which I think is what America is made for. She aint for the person who can never read between the lines on issues and has to take laxatives cuz they are so screwed up mentally.


Well-Known Member
First of HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I love the way at the start some guys banged on about how afghanistan is a shithole then when someone asked who's been there it was kinda one of those "ah lets shut the fuck up and sprint on to the next topic I can complain about...minerals aye that'll do minerals", Although I've never been there I can say ones thing I'd rather be there and live free as the people there do rather than be in this judgemental materialistic western culture we have, don't even say it's not because not one person can say they walk out their door with even a hoddie with a stain on it and not shit themselves at how many people will be "looking at them" and the guys that attack me for sayin why would you go outside with a stained top on will only make my point further...Leave the things you have no clue on alone they people from there are amazing people if you actually talk to one of them, the reason they live like they do is because maybe they don't want TV and other shit to stare at all day maybe they take a look around them and see something better than TV could ever create. Ah fuck it i'll stop here no point ramblin on.

Noob destroyer indica gives you a stone all over your body it's a different buzz than being high and definitly as your teacher says a dumb high...you can't think other than eat and sleep.
You'd last about 8 days in Afghanistan before selling everything you had on you for a ticket back to the USA is my guess.

You bag on people for thinking it's a shiitehole due to what we've seen/heard...yet you KNOW the people to be amazing even though you've never met any of them.

You want freedom? Get off the fucking grid. Go mountain man. Did you know for example that OVER 90% of America is uninhabited? Look it up before you go.
You know what is stopping you? Nothing.


Well-Known Member
First of all in Astan they make Hash from the weed....Hardly any of it actually gets smoked as raw weed its all about hash production. Second of all the fuckin CIA is who controls the heroin and the hash out of Astan.


Active Member
Actually I'm well travelled and I have met Afghans, they are very solitary people but very social if given the chance aswell and they talk about life not stupid shit so don't assume dude it's not good for you most of the time you get proved wrong when you assume things. As for getting off the grid did you ever hear of a "freeman on the land" if not look it up, I'm already working to being "off the grid" and can't wait until I am I just need to settle debts in this world before I can do it as I want to leave honourably. IF i went to Afghanistan I wouldn't sell everything and get a ticket back to the USA for 2 reasons :-

1) I live in Ireland,

2) I'm not materialistic I would look to join a village and help them to farm the land or tend to the animals and work just like they do and live like they do.

Anyway my point was that no-one said they were there and banged on about how much of a shithole it was, still no-one has said they were there the closest we've came is me saying I've chatted to one or someone smoking afghan hash, which isn't an Afghan human being or the country.


Well-Known Member
The key relization here is that America has piss poor values compared to Afghanistan. With the amount of revenue generating resources that the U.S. has traded to terrorize those folks, Im concerned their culture will never recover. Other armies may have tried to conquer them, but Federal U.S.A. is far more tactically advanced in the dark arts of warfare than anything the world has ever seen. I can only assume that this means that nothing will ever improve in the world again. Weve physically blocked out of any chance to become a sustainable species: and this era of the Man kind only has one way it can progress now. Backwards.
I call troll first! This is nonsense meant to get you attention, and if you really do think like this.....well, thats even worse.


Active Member
Depends on what way you look at it darkdestruction420, he's not wrong, USA invests more in its military than any other type of investment and has been in more wars than any nation in recent years...starting most of them or getting pulled in from false flag operations like the lucitania attack. Backwards in my interpretation means that we need to rethink this modern democratic idea and take a step back into the form of the original government the way it used to be before all the shite...maybe 100 years back would do the trick, any form of solution nowadays would only be something that existed in an old form of government or pre-government and not a new solution at all.


Well-Known Member
My point is why do I have to flip the bill with my tax dollars for ISAF to protect the people who are laying the tracks and the train once complete? Seems the tax payer gets takes it in the rear again so the private sector can profit. Also explain to me how I benefit from China laying tracks in Afghanistan.
Yeh duh,are your AWAKE NOW?I think you are.Yeh china is our future enemy,why?Cause they created china's wealth,so that there will be a WAR that will kill off most of the population.You want to know who "THEY" are,read the book of enoch.All these people that do their dirty work,have already sold their souls.Who know how long these snakes have been pulling these schemes,on us humans.


Active Member
Book of enoch...good read Joe but the only bad thing is there's too many different types of translations so it can be interpreted poorly.

He kind of asked you a question also and you seem to rather like putting people down for not knowing this stuff rather than answer, remember you were one of those people before you learned so you should be all "duh"...the reason it's good for China laying track in afghanistan is....none, remember who built the railways for germany in ww2 and remember what those railways were used for? If not then it was Prescot bush and his cronies and they were used to transport the Jews into the camps, It's a big dot to dot puzzle and you need to start joining dots to get a clear picture.


Undercover Mod
The key relization here is that America has piss poor values compared to Afghanistan. With the amount of revenue generating resources that the U.S. has traded to terrorize those folks, Im concerned their culture will never recover. Other armies may have tried to conquer them, but Federal U.S.A. is far more tactically advanced in the dark arts of warfare than anything the world has ever seen. I can only assume that this means that nothing will ever improve in the world again. Weve physically blocked out of any chance to become a sustainable species: and this era of the Man kind only has one way it can progress now. Backwards.

pro grow

Active Member
I used to be brainwashed. I did ROTC and I know the US military is just like the Nazis only taken about 100 years into the future. U spend so much time marching and chanting in ROTC, I was downloading cadences still a year after I quit.


Well-Known Member
I spent a few months in the Pakistani tribal areas along the Afghan border, and hung out a bit with Pathan tribesmen. These are extremely beautiful people, very wild and proud, like they just stepped out of some biblical epic. They are socially sophisticated, with a lot of charming old customs and formalities. The women usually wear full chador and a lot of the men wear kohl around the eyes and dye their beards red to show how religious they are. The hashish is, of course, devastating. The opium too. The landscape itself is very dramatic, 'Nature red in tooth and claw'. People are generally fairly poor and everything has been turned on its head since the Russians came in, and now its our turn to kill a bunch of harmless peasants. For those trashing the place, its so obvious you're pulling your worthless opinions out of your ass its telling that none of you pause before posting to think just how fucking stupid it would be to show off to the world how little you know.


Well-Known Member
Front page of the paper yesterday had a big article about how China will be able to kick our asses in 10 years. Maybe were just clearing the area out for them to make it easier for China to take Africa. maybe were trying to get control in the region to opose China but we might be looking to help them take the middle east and Africa. and give them tiwan.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Afghanistan ? Some people think it is this generations Viet Nam. I think it has some similarities in a general World Police way, but due to it's different geography it seems to be more a piece of the resource puzzle than the ideological puzzle of the 1960s domino theory.

It's interesting how many young people today seem apathetic regarding United States imperialism compared to the Viet Nam generation.
One big difference is nobody gets drafted today. I wonder how much difference that makes when controlling public opinion and turning outrage into apathy. Maybe the ahem "leaders" have gotten smarter and are able to keep their wars going longer by not drafting people who don't want to kill others. Maybe this helps keep the public outcry down, plus that whole "we were attacked angle" and flag waving thing was a good way to get things started.

Viet Nam happened when WWII was still fresh in peoples minds so the "kill the slant eyes" blood lust was still available as a propaganda tool. So are ya Chinese or Japanese...I Laotian....Ocean ? Which Ocean ? Yeah that's it.


Well-Known Member
Actually I'm well travelled and I have met Afghans, they are very solitary people but very social if given the chance aswell and they talk about life not stupid shit so don't assume dude it's not good for you most of the time you get proved wrong when you assume things. As for getting off the grid did you ever hear of a "freeman on the land" if not look it up, I'm already working to being "off the grid" and can't wait until I am I just need to settle debts in this world before I can do it as I want to leave honourably. IF i went to Afghanistan I wouldn't sell everything and get a ticket back to the USA for 2 reasons :-

1) I live in Ireland,

2) I'm not materialistic I would look to join a village and help them to farm the land or tend to the animals and work just like they do and live like they do.

Anyway my point was that no-one said they were there and banged on about how much of a shithole it was, still no-one has said they were there the closest we've came is me saying I've chatted to one or someone smoking afghan hash, which isn't an Afghan human being or the country.[/QUOT talking to someone smoking afghan hash in no way makes you more qualified to speculate on the living conditions or work ethic of the afghan culture.

Would you pitch in and help mutilate the genitalia of the women in the village?