What's a time that you had to go full MacGyver on either making a piece or fixing one


Ingenuity is a really underrated aspect of being a stoner. Thinking of a story made me want to come here and hear other ways that people have over come the odds. I'm always a fan of an underdog story.

I can remember one time I was smoking with my buddy but we just had this shitty pipe that was metal and really sketchy to use. He had a bong in his room but the downstem was broken. We really hated that pipe. So I grab it and notice he has one of those fuckin' thick plastic bendy straws that go into kiddie cups?? I then I poked 4 holes in the bottom of the straw and I put it where the downstem would go and it was nearly a perfect fit.

So my buddy was like "oh damn" and reached under his pillow and he had some black electric tape so he wrapped some around the middle of the straw so it would create a seal and then we taped the openings.

THEN we find out they the bowl price was far too large for the tip of the straw, so I tore some thin cardboard from our candy box and made a little seat for the bowl and then we were able to adjust the tightness of the cardboard around the bowl. It was so well done, you were able to pull the bowl out and set it perfectly in the housing with premium pressure.

We were smoking bongloads like it was the first time since bongs and loads.


Active Member
Oreos....lift the top off, scrape a small amount of the filling out and push a pencil through.

An apple, decore it half way, then push a pen through the side to it reaches the empty void where the core should be.

Pepsi can....set the can horizontally when it's open & empty.
Take a fork & stab the can about twice. It'll slightly dent the can creating your bowl, then light it & inhale through where you drink.

The peice of plastic that slides over the handbrake of a van, with the metal tip of the pen incerted as a bowl

I've used the cans more than anything because it's soooo simple.


Well-Known Member
When I was a kid it was kinda hard to get anything since I lived in the country even if there was a head shop anywhere nothing was within walking distance but I made one hell of a nice wood pipe from a tree branch found a nice thick branch cut it off with a hack saw hand carved the bowl and I decorated as I went along carving some cool designs into it then when I finally finished popped it in the oven to cure it and finally seasoned the bowl with a lighter it could pack about two grams and had a good draw I don't know what ever happened to it but it was just as good if not better then a store bought wood pipe and the tree bark was a cool skin who else ever smoked from a tree branch?

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Well-Known Member
Empty highlighter and a half inch socket. Socket fits perfectly into the bottom of the highlighter(cap removed of course) giving you basically a giant chillum.

When i was in school i always used a zebra pen with aluminum(stainless steel whatever) tip and frame.. take it apart flip the tip for your bowl and same deal really. The other end of the pen is slightly wider and will secure the pen tip. Then put it back together and get your ass to class
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Well-Known Member
I used to make pokers out of clothes hangers. They would stand up so they wouldn't get anything dirty, I made them with designs like spirals and such.