whats a cheap and easy way to get rid of odor?


Well-Known Member
type in to google or go on ebay and put ( ona ) its a deodoriser cheap and the best to combat smells...


Well-Known Member
Put a big pile of doo doo next to your weed and that way friends and police will just think your white trash instead of a criminal when they smell the shit instead of your plants. Or you can just make a cheap carbon filter.


Well-Known Member
having made a homemade pest spray with chilli and garlic i would have to say this really works covering up the smell BUT makes your room smell like garlic and chilli if u can put up with it lol. needless to say i wont be using it again lol lol lol


Well-Known Member
ONA gel is pretty cheap as far as being a semi-effective solution. It will help more than just masking the smell with things like sprays and incense.

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
There is a product I found called refresh-a-basement. It costs 9.99 I bought two of these and just taped them to the inside of the ducting. I have not produced any smell yet at all. I have not flowered using this product yet, however. It seems to me that its gonna work fine the best part is that it never runs out and its reusable. If it stops working it recharges in the sun!

http://www.wdrake.com/WalterDrake/Shopping/ProductDetail.aspx?CID=home&SCID=Cleaning+&+Repair&ProductID=0000028795&SiteNum=0&sortBy=Rank ASC